Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Rihanna’s Cultural Heist: An Act Against Womanhood

Rihanna’s Cultural Heist: An Act Against Womanhood

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Rihanna’s plan was to use Muslim culture to ‘enhance her own brand’. She knows nothing of the lives of Muslim women.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

So Why All The Fuss Over A Tiny Piece of Cloth?

So Why All The Fuss Over A Tiny Piece of Cloth?

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Considering the tiny number of women who actually wear a veil in the U.K it’s amazing all of the discussion about it.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

The Many Ways To Tackle The Issue of Domestic Abuse

The Many Ways To Tackle The Issue of Domestic Abuse


 Common Ground News Service

‘Gaga, There’s More to The Burqa Than A Stage Prop’

‘Gaga, There’s More to The Burqa Than A Stage Prop’

KEZIA RIDGEWAY, CGNEWS: It’s not suprising that Lady Gaga has lit on the burqa as a garb-of-controversy but she could use the debate more constructively

 Common Ground News Service

High-Fashion and Islam:’Hijabinistas On the Rise’

High-Fashion and Islam:’Hijabinistas On the Rise’

KEZIAH RIDGEWAY, CGNEWS: A spate of crimes involving burqa-clad individuals has led to a rise in hate crime but the fightback is coming from an unlikely quarter