‘Little Green Men vs Arabs’: Simple Choice for U.S Readers
CROSSROADS ARABIA: Selling Arabic literature, in translation, to a U.S audience is particularly challenging
“If You Only Ever Read Five Arabic Books, Read These”
M. LYNX-QUALEY: So you’ve decided that there’s only enough time in your life to read five Arabic books (translated). Here’s a little help deciding which five.
Goodbye Ibrahim Aslan: Daily Debris Was His Inspiration
M. LYNX-QUALEY: He wrote about everyday lives filled with frustration and dead-ends but leavened by laughter. Farewell, Ibrahim, we’ll miss you
Keeping the Meaning in the Language of Protests
M. LYNX-QUALEY: Much has been written about the ‘banners of the revolution’. However, it is difficult to agree a translation that matches their spirit.