Added on 03/01/2014
American Israel Public Affairs Committee , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish history , John Kerry , Nationalism , Palestine , Peter Beinart , Political philosophy , Politics , Religion/Belief , Two-state solution , United States , Washington , Zionism

PHILIP WEISS: 2014 is set to be a pivotal year for ‘the lobby’ in the United States, according to a leading commentator
Added on 02/11/2013
Jonathan Cook
Arab League , Hamas , Human rights in Israel , Human rights in the Palestinian territories , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Kerry , Mahmoud Abbas , Martin Indyk , Middle East , Nasif Hata , Netanyahu , Palestinian nationalism , Palestinian prisoners in Israel , Palestinian Territories , Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Politics , President , Two-state solution , United States

JONATHAN COOK: We’re stumbling towards a conclusion with which the Israeli authorities would be very happy – a stalled process with the potential added extra of a Palestinian walkout
Added on 09/06/2013
Ashkenazi Jews , Benjamin Netanyahu , Danny Danon , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli Jews , Likud , Moshe Feiglin , Netanyahu , Politics , Politics of Israel , TEMPER OF THE TIMES INVESTOR SERVICES INC. , Two-state solution , Tzipi Hotovely , Tzipi Livni

MONDOWEISS: ‘We do whatever we want, whenever we want’. Danny Danon injects a bit of plain speaking into the debate about the future, or not, of Palestine.