Added on 23/06/2013
Ramzy Baroud
Child labour , Children's rights , Crimes against humanity , Domestic worker , Ethics , Exploitation , Human trafficking , International criminal law , International Labor Organization , Labor , Labor rights , Slavery , Social Issues , Sociology , United Nations

Last night at the hotel lobby of an Arab Gulf country, a family walked in aiming for the westernized café that sells everything but Arabic coffee. The mother seemed distant as she pressed buttons on her smart phone. The father looked tired as he buffed away on his cigarette, and a whole band of children […]
Added on 03/05/2013
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Anti-Islam , Asia , Burma , Culture , Islam , Islamophobia , Multiculturalism , Poor St George , Religion/Belief , Rohingya people , Saint George , Social Issues , Sociology

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: He’s been adopted by the English right-wing as a symbol of racial purity. He actually stood for nothing of the sort.
Added on 03/02/2013
Steve Royston
Adolf Hitler , Amin Husseini , Antisemitism , Discrimination , Fathi Shihab Eddin , Germany , Holocaust denial , Israel , Jewish history , Jews , Josef Stalin , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Religion , Religion and politics , Responsibility for the Holocaust , Sociology , The Holocaust , United Kingdom , United States , Zionism

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s not just the Second World War that has been warped by teachers, politicians and others for their own purposes.
Added on 29/01/2013
mai abdul rahman
Afghanistan , Ageism , Child labour , Counter-recruitment , Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals , Human rights abuses , IDF , Islamic terrorism , Israel , Israel Defense Forces , Mali , Military recruitment , Military science , Military sociology , Military use of children , Politics , Sociology , United States , US military , War , War/Conflict

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: On occasion depending on the nature of the particular conflict a discussion fires up related to child soldiers. With Mali it’s here again.