Oman’s Eid Holiday Furore: It’s Time to ‘Get Real’
DHOFARI GUCCI: It used to be ‘holiday heaven’ in Oman. Not any more and it’s no bad thing really.
This Ramadan ‘A Miserable, Painful Time’ For Syrian Families
MICH CAFE: This is the third Ramadan where conflict has wracked Syria and it’s the toughest one yet for many families there
The Trials of A Moroccan Cab Driver in Ramadan
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: It’s Ramadan, it’s hot, concentration is not what should it be so inevitably accidents happen and tempers are frayed.
“One Day’s Enough For Me”: Foreigner Tries ‘Ramadan Fast’
THE VIEW FROM FEZ: It seemed like a relatively straightforward challenge but fasting for one day proved to be much harder than expected
A Lost Ramadan Tradition: Where Have the Drummers Gone?
MICH CAFE: It’s a feature of Ramadan that I grew up with – the M’tabeel passing through the neighbourhood beating their drums. Not any more however.
Ramadan Training: It’s Time to Kick Those Bad Habits
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Sometimes our behaviour can be less than perfect during Ramadan. We shouldn’t, though, simply make excuses for this.