Jonathan Cook

‘Palestine? Not a Priority’: Internal Fissures Evident in Israel

‘Palestine? Not a Priority’: Internal Fissures Evident in Israel

JONATHAN COOK: As the physical threat against their security has waned so Israelis have been free to examine other areas of their society.

 Juan Cole

‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ in Obama’s Terror Speech

‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ in Obama’s Terror Speech

JUAN COLE: Some praise is due but Obama remains wedded to the idea that extra-judicial assassination is an effective counter-terror tool.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

RAMZY BAROUD: America’s current role as impotent looker-on is unprecedented in recent Middle Eastern history. This situation won’t continue indefinitely

 James M. Dorsey

Algerian Revolt: Surge in Soccer-Related Violence A Signal

Algerian Revolt: Surge in Soccer-Related Violence A Signal

JAMES M. DORSEY: Violent protest attending soccer matches has proven to be a reliable indicator of an imminent popular revolt in the Arab World. Algeria’s next then.

 Juan Cole

The Great Benghazi Forgery: So Who’s Really Behind It?

The Great Benghazi Forgery: So Who’s Really Behind It?

JUAN COLE: There was a sustained attempt prior to the last U.S election to portray Barack Obama first as a latter day Jimmy Carter then as a Richard Nixon figure. Who did this?


Beinart v Dershowitz On Israel, Hawking and Zionism

Beinart v Dershowitz On Israel, Hawking and Zionism

MONDOWEISS: The heat surrounding Stephen Hawkin’s withdrawal from a conference in Israel added heat to a debate between two prominent commentators last week

 Crossroads Arabia

Unsustainable: The Bell Tolls For Subsidies in Saudi Arabia

Unsustainable: The Bell Tolls For Subsidies in Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The Herbert Stein Law runs: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” The tautology is starting to surface in Saudi Arabia.

 Richard Silverstein

In China Or Israel: ‘Something There Is That Doesn’t Love a Wall’

In China Or Israel: ‘Something There Is That Doesn’t Love a Wall’

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Benjamin Netanyahu waxed enthusiastic about the inspiration that the Great Wall of China has provided for him.

 Mich Cafe

‘Safe to Speak’ For Journalists in the Middle East? Not Yet.

‘Safe to Speak’ For Journalists in the Middle East? Not Yet.

MICH CAFE: I’ve personally known several journalists who have been assassinated. It’s still a very dangerous occupation in the Middle East.

 Ramzy Baroud

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

RAMZY BAROUD: The anti-Muslim brigade who take to the media at every possible opportunity received another boost with the Boston bombing.


‘Sauce, Goose, Gander’: Political vs Family Ties in Public Debate

‘Sauce, Goose, Gander’: Political vs Family Ties in Public Debate

PHILIP WEISS, CGNEWS: Josh Landis’s marriage to a Syrian Alawite was judged fair game in a discussion on his views on the political situation. Why only him?

 Ramzy Baroud

The History of Palestine: ‘We Must Seize Our Narrative’

The History of Palestine: ‘We Must Seize Our Narrative’

RAMZY BAROUD: Palestine’s history has traditionally been told through the prism of an accepted Israeli or Western narrative. It’s time for Palestinians to tell their own story.

 Ramzy Baroud

A Starbucks, A Golf Course and a Pub: The ‘Guantanamo Zoo’

A Starbucks, A Golf Course and a Pub: The ‘Guantanamo Zoo’

RAMZY BAROUD: Barack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay but still it remains open. And what a bizarre place it has become.

 Juan Cole

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

JUAN COLE: It’s clear that reverberations from the Boston bombings will spread to Chechnya and beyond. How will it impact the U.S view of Syria?

 Common Ground News Service

‘The Tripoli I Know’: Shisha, Ice Cream and Friends

‘The Tripoli I Know’: Shisha, Ice Cream and Friends

AISHA HABLI, CGNEWS: It has a reputation as a place of conflict, where feuds and sectarian scores are settled. That’s not my experience

 Francis Matthew

GCC and Korea: When Silence is not Golden

GCC and Korea: When Silence is not Golden

It is disturbing that the crisis in North Korea is moving forward with very little comment from the Arab world.

FRANCIS MATTHEW: It is disturbing that the crisis in North Korea is moving forward with very little comment from the Arab world.

 Ramzy Baroud

Egypt Division = Ongoing Despair in Gaza

Egypt Division = Ongoing Despair in Gaza

RAMZY BAROUD: It seemed unthinkable a Muslim Brotherhood government could impose worse conditions on Gaza than Mubarak.

 Francis Matthew

From Arab Awakening to ‘Political Stupor’

From Arab Awakening to ‘Political Stupor’

The Arab world is suffering from a lack of secular inspiration. There are plenty of leaders who find their political language in religion, but no secular leader or thinker is inspiring the crowds all over the Middle East as happened a generation ago.

FRANCIS MATTHEW: The Arab world is suffering from a lack of secular inspiration: No secular leader or thinker is inspiring the crowds.

 Editor, MEP

Margaret Thatcher, 1925 – 2013: A Life in Quotes

Margaret Thatcher’s memorable words — from her 1979 victory, to her remarks at the end of the Falkland war, to her fight against European integration.

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey’s Dilemma: Fence-Sitting Not A Viable Option

Turkey’s Dilemma: Fence-Sitting Not A Viable Option

'Confused’ may be an appropriate term to describe Turkey’s current foreign policy in the Middle East and Israel in particular. The source of that confusion - aside from the appalling violence in Syria and earlier in Libya – is Turkey’s own mistakes.

RAMZY BAROUD: Turkey’s attempt to re-position itself as a fulcrum between East and West has come unstuck…