Added on 17/02/2014
Ariel Sharon , Daniella Weiss , Gush Emunim , Israel , Israeli settlers , Israeli-occupied territories , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish religious terrorism , Jewish Underground , Jews , John Kerry , Knesset , Meir Kahane , Minister , Moshe Levinger , Nachala , Politics , Price tag policy , Underground
ALISON DEGER, MONDOWEISS: Her audience of giggling teenagers seemed blissfully unaware of Daniella Weiss’s dark past.
Added on 13/05/2013
Alan Dershowitz , Anti-Zionism , Antisemitism , Arab–Israeli conflict , BDS , Ethan Bronner , Israel , Israel Shahak , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish state , Meir Kahane , Norman Finkelstein , Peter Beinart , Politics , Religion/Belief , Stephen Hawking , West Bank , Zionism
MONDOWEISS: The heat surrounding Stephen Hawkin’s withdrawal from a conference in Israel added heat to a debate between two prominent commentators last week