Int. Relations

“When diplomacy ends, War begins.” Adolf Hitler

 Steve Royston

Palestinian Hope – Voices for a Lost Cause?

Palestinian Hope – Voices for a Lost Cause?

STEVE ROYSTON: “This military occupation has lasted for over 64 years and is an affront to humanity and civilised values. It is high time that the international community took some responsibility.”


“Let’s Negotiate Division of Pizza While I Eat It”

“Let’s Negotiate Division of Pizza While I Eat It”

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: So the Israelis decide to build another 1,110 home on occupied land. How does the US State Department believe Palestinians should respond?

 Juan Cole

Obama Further Tarnished Over UN ‘Hypocrisy’

Obama Further Tarnished Over UN ‘Hypocrisy’

JUAN COLE: Obama has squandered the positives by pandering to the right wing forces in Manama and Tel Aviv. This is change the Arab youth won’t be able to believe in.


Netanyahu’s ‘Badge of Honor’ For Obama

Netanyahu’s ‘Badge of Honor’ For Obama

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: It’s come to this. No-one in mainstream American politics, it appears, is willing to say a word that will risk losing the Jewish voters and donors who back Israeli discrimination.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudis and U.S. Clash Over Palestine Vote

Saudis and U.S. Clash Over Palestine Vote

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Another casualty of the upcoming UN vote on Palestinian statehood is likely to be relations between the United States and its long-term ally Saudi Arabia.

 Steve Royston

Why Britain Should Support Palestinian State

Why Britain Should Support Palestinian State

STEVE ROYSTON: Weighing up the diplomatic pros and cons on the Palestinian statehood vote David Cameron should take a bold step

 Lucy Emmerson

Syria: Growing Pressure on Assad to Stand Down Falling on Deaf Ears

Syria: Growing Pressure on Assad to Stand Down Falling on Deaf Ears

LUCY EMMERSON: There are still more who believe that a regime which has killed in excess of 2,200 peaceful protesters in the past 6 months cannot stand


Palestinian Statehood and the UN Bid

Palestinian Statehood and the UN Bid

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: Bibi is willing to negotiate anything, as long it does not include what the Palestinians want. In this case, it is recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN.

 Chris Keeler

Why Israelis Are Spooked by Arab Democracy

Why Israelis Are Spooked by Arab Democracy

CHRIS KEELER: Events have combined around the region to leave Israel feeling very isolated indeed. But many commentators there simply refuse to understand the reasons why they’re in this position.

 Crossroads Arabia

How 9/11 Forced Change in Saudi Arabia

How 9/11 Forced Change in Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: When Saudi awoke, it acted decisively. Its war against Al-Qaeda was successful in driving the group out of the Kingdom, though at some cost.

 James M. Dorsey

Football Supporters Behind Attack on Israeli Embassy

Football Supporters Behind Attack on Israeli Embassy

JAMES DORSEY: The militant supporters of Al Ahly and Al Zemalek, who were prominent in the 25th January Revolution, were instrumental in the attack on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Crabgrass in the Lawn’. The Darling of the Israeli Lobby

‘Crabgrass in the Lawn’.  The Darling of the Israeli Lobby

RAMZY BAROUD: It seems that there is nothing that Ileana Ros-Lehtinen will not do or say to support Israeli interests.

 Common Ground News Service

Middle East: What’s Changed Since 9/11?

Middle East: What’s Changed Since 9/11?

HRH PRINCE EL HASSAN BIN TALAL, CGNEWS: It’s been a tumultuous decade defined in large part by violence and death but how different is the Middle East today?

 The Moor Next Door

Algeria & Libya: The Big Questions To Answer

Algeria & Libya: The Big Questions To Answer

TMND: It’s becoming clearer by the day that Algeria played a key role in supporting the Qadhafi regime, particularly in its dark, late days. The Algerians face some very uncomfortable questions

 mai abdul rahman

Palestinians Chart Own Path to Self Determination

Palestinians Chart Own Path to Self Determination

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The consistent failure of American intervention to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli issue has led Palestinians to take matters into their own hands. This strategy is paying off.

 David Westley

The End of Eid, The Start of the Beginning

The End of Eid, The Start of the Beginning

DAVID WESTLEY: This year, the return to ‘normality’ will be significantly harder to achieve for those countries that have gone through their Arab spring; the pathway to success is still far from clear.


UN Report on Gaza Flotilla is ‘…a shocker’

UN Report on Gaza Flotilla is ‘…a shocker’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: You can almost hear the whoops of delight in Tel Aviv as the UN Report into last year’s Gaza flotilla puts most of the blame for the bloodshed on the protestors.

 Ramzy Baroud

Libya & NATO: “To the Victor the Spoils”?

Libya & NATO: “To the Victor the Spoils”?

RAMZY BAROUD: The intervention by NATO in Libya was driven by clear, strategic political and economic interests. Their aims are unlikely, however, to be in the best interests of the Libyan people.

 David Roberts

‘Arab Spring’ Map: Not to be Taken too Seriously

‘Arab Spring’ Map: Not to be Taken too Seriously

DAVID ROBERTS: The author clearly has, how should we put it?, an incomplete knowledge of the region but it’s an amusing take on recent regional events.


Israel Hearts Qatar. Not. The Love-In’s Over.

Israel Hearts Qatar. Not. The Love-In’s Over.

ANNIE, MONDOWEISS: The relationship between Israel and its BFF in the Gulf appear to have broken down completely.

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