Int. Relations

“When diplomacy ends, War begins.” Adolf Hitler

 James Mullan

News Analysis: Bahrain Foils Alleged Plot

News Analysis: Bahrain Foils Alleged Plot

Another week, another alleged Iranian plot in the Middle East. This time it’s the Bahraini authorities who reveal that they’ve stopped a plot to blow up the causeway and the Saudi Embassy.

 Common Ground News Service

U.S Withraws: Iraqi Independence is at Hand

U.S Withraws: Iraqi Independence is at Hand

AHMED KADHUM FAHAD, CGNEWS: It’s time for politicians within Iraq to seize the unique opportunity that full independence will provide. Are they up to the challenge?

 James Mullan

News Analysis: Sarkozy and Obama’s Gaffe

News Analysis: Sarkozy and Obama’s Gaffe

NEWS ANALYSIS: As if life isn’t difficult enough for President Sarkozy now he has to contend with the consequences of a leaked ‘private’ conversation.

 Juan Cole

Gingrich’s Crusade: It’s not an ‘Arab Spring’, it’s ‘an anti-Christian Spring’

Gingrich’s Crusade: It’s not an ‘Arab Spring’, it’s ‘an anti-Christian Spring’

JUAN COLE: In their quest to find an ABM (‘Anyone But Mitt’), the American Right have hit upon Gingrich. Let’s hear what he has to say about the MidEast.

 Abu Muhammed

The Unappealing Prospect of ‘Western Democracy’

The Unappealing Prospect of ‘Western Democracy’

ABU MOHAMMED: If there’s one thing calculated to get up the nose of just about every Arab it’s the supercilious lecture by a Westerner on the superiority of their democracy over all other forms of government. ‘Oh really?’

 James Mullan

News Analysis: U.S Attack on Iran ‘likely’

News Analysis: U.S Attack on Iran ‘likely’

NEWS ANALYSIS: Now Libya has been taken care of momentum appears to be growing particularly in the United States for an attack on Iran’s nuclear programme.

 James Mullan

News Analysis: Hackers Target Palestinian Internet

News Analysis: Hackers Target Palestinian Internet

Internet service throughout the Palestinian territories disappeared altogether or was running very slowly on Tuesday. A sustained, well-organised attack?


West’s 1% salivates over spoils of the Libyan 99%

West’s 1% salivates over spoils of the Libyan 99%

MONDOWEISS, MATTHEW TAYLOR: Whatever one thinks of The West’s role in this revolution, it should not have a free pass to engage in more oil imperialism.

 James Mullan

News Analysis: Hezbollah ‘Telco War’ on the Brink?

News Analysis: Hezbollah ‘Telco War’ on the Brink?

NEWS ANALYSIS: Hezbollah’s plan to install a private telecommunications network in Lebanon is facing stiff opposition from residents in its path.

 David Roberts

They’ll be quaking in their sandals in Riyadh. Not.

They’ll be quaking in their sandals in Riyadh. Not.

DAVID ROBERTS: Sometimes politicians say things of such breathtaking stupidity that it stops you completely in your tracks. Like this one from an Iranian member of parliament.

 Jonathan Cook

Mosques and Graves Attacked By Israeli Settlers

Mosques and Graves Attacked By Israeli Settlers

JONATHAN COOK: Settlers have raised the stakes by attacking mosques within Arab communities that have been traditionally utterly loyal to Israel.

 Juan Cole

Ten Reasons Why ‘Iran Plotter’ is ‘No James Bond’

Ten Reasons Why ‘Iran Plotter’ is ‘No James Bond’

JUAN COLE: He has been presented as the lynchpin of an international conspiracy of stunning complexity. Yet he is almost comically inept – so is Manssor Arabsiar James Bond or Inspector Clouseau?

 James M. Dorsey

Arab Spring First Casualty in New Power Struggle

Arab Spring First Casualty in New Power Struggle

JAMES M. DORSEY: The people power movement has the most to lose and could find itself in the grinder as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran jockey for power.

 Common Ground News Service

Israelis, Palestinians: Refusing to be Enemies

Israelis, Palestinians: Refusing to be Enemies

HAGGAI MATAR: Over the years I have learnt that refusal to serve in the army offers a very strong bridge between Israelis and Palestinians.


Some Questions About the ‘Iran Terror Plot’

Some Questions About the ‘Iran Terror Plot’

JASMIN RAMSEY, MONDOWEISS: The mainstream media has worked itself into a collective frenzy about the alleged plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. Questions need to be asked, however.

 Rob L. Wagner

Unfazed: Israeli Boycott Little Noticed in Turkey

Unfazed: Israeli Boycott Little Noticed in Turkey

ROB L. WAGNER: Shopkeepers easily transition from Turkish to Russian, Polish and German. Yet Hebrew, once among the languages, is virtually non-existent.

 David Roberts

Big Claims By ‘WSJ’ on Iran & Bahrain. But Proof?

Big Claims By ‘WSJ’ on Iran & Bahrain. But Proof?

DAVID ROBERTS: The Wall Street Journal has published a very curious piece indeed on the relationship between Iran and Bahrain. It’s long on allegation but very short on proof.

 Ramzy Baroud

The American Threat to Syria’s Revolution

The American Threat to Syria’s Revolution

RAMZY BAROUD: The American ambassador to Syria has established an ‘up and at ’em’ reputation. But what is the bigger picture for the United States in Syria at the moment?

 mai abdul rahman

Is Israel’s Iron Grip on U.S Politics Slipping?

Is Israel’s Iron Grip on U.S Politics Slipping?

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: There appears to be increasing public support for Palestinian statehood in the U.S. Does the ‘internationalising’ of the issue mean that US politicians will be free of the Israeli yoke?

 Michael J. Totten

Life Imitates ‘The Onion’: Al Qaeda and U.S. Agree

Life Imitates ‘The Onion’: Al Qaeda and U.S. Agree

MICHAEL TOTTEN: You couldn’t make it up but conspiracy theories have a way of making odd bedfellows. Take Al Qaeda and the U.S in opposition to Iran. It’s true.

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