Added on 16/10/2011
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , Adel Al-Jubeir , Africa , Atlantic coast , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Gilad Shalit , Hamas , Hizballah , Human Rights Watch , Iran , Iraq , Islamist government , Israel , Libya , Mahmoud Abbas , Manama , Massachusetts , Mexico , Middle East , North Africa , Obama administration , Oil , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Quds Force , Salesman , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Texas , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US government , Washington , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: The people power movement has the most to lose and could find itself in the grinder as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran jockey for power.
Added on 12/10/2011
ABC News , Adel Al-Jubeir , Central Intelligence Agency , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Gholam Shakuri , Greg Miller , Hillary Clinton , Iran , Iranian government , Iran’s central bank , Iraq , Israel , Jim Lobe , Josh Rogin , Lebanon , Mainstream media , Manssor Arbabsiar , Mark Kirk , Michigan , Mike Rogers , New York Times , Quds Force , Saudi Arabia , Texas , The Washington Post , U.S. military , United States , Washington

JASMIN RAMSEY, MONDOWEISS: The mainstream media has worked itself into a collective frenzy about the alleged plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. Questions need to be asked, however.
Added on 21/06/2011
James Mullan
Abdullah , Adel Al-Jubeir , America , DC , Muslim Brotherhood , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Embassy , Saudi Embassy in Washington , United States , Washington

CROSSROADS ARABIA: There are more than 40,000 Saudis studying at American universities. Each of them (bar the odd one or two) is playing a vital role in breaking down stereotypes.