Crossroads Arabia

Twitter and Mothers: Breaking Saudi Tradition

Twitter and Mothers: Breaking Saudi Tradition

CROSSROADS ARABIA: This is how customs change: People simply refuse to honor them. Women not driving will go in the same way…

 Crossroads Arabia

Epidemic: More Than Half of Saudi Women ‘Overweight’

Epidemic: More Than Half of Saudi Women ‘Overweight’

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Add a diet rich in fats and sugars to a lifestyle that actively discourages exercise and you end up with a catastrophic situation that’s only getting worse.

 Crossroads Arabia

The Saudi Enigma: Rich but No Job For Many

The Saudi Enigma: Rich but No Job For Many

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It’s a very rich country but faces a serious unemployment problem. Why so and what to do?

 Crossroads Arabia

The Not-So-Slick Arab Public Relations Machine

The Not-So-Slick Arab Public Relations Machine

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Arabs seem to have an unhelpful skill for appalling public relations skills, according to a leading commentator. What’s to be done?

 Crossroads Arabia

Unrest in Saudi Arabia: Driven by Iran?

Unrest in Saudi Arabia: Driven by Iran?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The Saudi authorities have been very clear about who they believe was behind the riots in Al-Awamiyah last week.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudi Elections: What Exactly Was the Point?

Saudi Elections: What Exactly Was the Point?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: This was the election before ‘the Big One’ – the 2015 Municipal Elections where women can vote and stand for office. So was it a damp squib, as some have suggested?

 Crossroads Arabia

A Surprise Announcement But Is it Enough?

A Surprise Announcement But Is it Enough?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: King Abdullah’s announcement seemed to catch everyone by surprise. It’s clearly a very welcome step but will women in the Kingdom be satisfied with what they’ve been granted?

 Crossroads Arabia

The ‘Takfir’ Mindset: A Major Saudi Problem

The ‘Takfir’ Mindset: A Major Saudi Problem

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Teaching methods in the Kingdom encourage diktat of authority rather than dialogue and debate. The consequence is profound for society at large.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudis and U.S. Clash Over Palestine Vote

Saudis and U.S. Clash Over Palestine Vote

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Another casualty of the upcoming UN vote on Palestinian statehood is likely to be relations between the United States and its long-term ally Saudi Arabia.

 Crossroads Arabia

How 9/11 Forced Change in Saudi Arabia

How 9/11 Forced Change in Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: When Saudi awoke, it acted decisively. Its war against Al-Qaeda was successful in driving the group out of the Kingdom, though at some cost.

 Crossroads Arabia

Water Not Oil is the ‘Big Issue’ Facing Kingdom

Water Not Oil is the ‘Big Issue’ Facing Kingdom

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The current rate at which Saudis are consuming water is simply unsustainable. Drastic action needs to be taken. And soon.

 Crossroads Arabia

American Politics: The View From Over Here

American Politics: The View From Over Here

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Local commentators are premature in seeing the current debate as a reflection on the issues that will come to the fore in the presidential campaign.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudi Arabia: The Merits of University for All?

Saudi Arabia: The Merits of University for All?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It’s not just Saudi, the US has certainly pushed the idea that without a university degree one is starting out as a failure.

 Crossroads Arabia

Consultancy Opportunity for Saudi Mutawa

Consultancy Opportunity for Saudi Mutawa

CROSSROADS ARABIA: If the French and Belgian police need some help enforcing their niqab ban they should turn to the masters in female oppression.

 Crossroads Arabia

Ramadan Slackers – KSA Workers Fail to Show Up

Ramadan Slackers – KSA Workers Fail to Show Up

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Over 6 percent of the Kingdom’s public servants, including heads of departments, were absent from work during the first 10 days of Ramadan…

 Crossroads Arabia

Expats “A Drain” on Saudi: The Debate Continues

Expats “A Drain” on Saudi: The Debate Continues

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It’s a debate without ending but it seems to have taken a sharply antagonistic turn in an opinion piece in ‘Al Riyadh’.

 Crossroads Arabia

World’s Tallest Building: Saudis Back in the Race

World’s Tallest Building: Saudis Back in the Race

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Jeddah is set to eclipse Dubai as the home of the world’s tallest building following the recent announcement made by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

 Crossroads Arabia

Ramadan Slackers Beware: You’re Being Watched

Ramadan Slackers Beware: You’re Being Watched

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It appears that the Saudi authorities have had enough of people using the Holy Month as an excuse to do little or any work.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudi Domestic Violence: Men Victims Too

Saudi Domestic Violence: Men Victims Too

CROSSROADS ARABIA: No-one disputes that domestic violence is a serious issue but there is evidence that incidents of female on male violence are increasingly prevalent in the Kingdom.

 Crossroads Arabia

Soap Operas: The New Front on the ‘War on Syria’

Soap Operas: The New Front on the ‘War on Syria’

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Syrian soap operas have eclipsed Egyptian productions in popularity across the Arab world.