Mandela’s Lessons: What The Arab World Can Learn

SUSAN COLLIN MARKS, CGNEWS: As the world mourns a great leader there are lessons for all of us in how he conducted politics and led his country
Islamophobia is ‘Competition Racism’: A Clear Road to Fascism

ANNE-RUTH WERTHEIM, INFORMED COMMENT: It’s very important to identify and call out racism but it’s equally important to understand what forces underpin it.
Race in Arab World: Is There a ‘$1 Million Advantage?’

ABU MOHAMMED: Skin colour, according to Jesse Jackson, conferred a significant financial benefit. Is the same true in the Arab World?
Norway Killings A Challenge To Anti-Muslim Sentiment

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Last week’s horror has the potential to change the discourse again, away from anti-Muslim sentiment.
Love Lost: When Politics and Marriage Collide

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Politics and marriage might seem worlds apart. But recent cases suggest there are more agendas than we might think.
A Desecration of Jewish Values: Racism in Israel

RABBI DAVID ROSEN: Eliahu claims to have “evidence” that Islamist forces are providing money for Arabs to buy up property to promote an Arab demographic takeover of the country.