‘Proud to Be A Thug’: Saudi Vandals Speak
SUSIE OF ARABIA: School’s out in the Kingdom and it’s the time for teachers, supervisors and school cleaners to be afraid.
‘Having Fun With Evi’: And Jealous No More
ALEXANDER MCNABB: You’ve had to listen to how much fun your i-Phone dabbing friends have with Siri. Now it’s your turn.
Steve Jobs: Arrogant Genius Who Made The Difference
ALEXANDER MCNABB: There’s little doubt Steve Jobs was an arrogant bastard. I’ve never met him but the absolute certitude shone through in everything he did.
Steve Jobs and Barack Obama: Sons of Muslims, Distinctly American
JUAN COLE: Both the U.S President and arguably America’s most creative entrepreneur provide proof of the value of multiculturalism.
Etisalat Plans – Mickey Mouse, but less Friendly
ALEXANDER MCNABB: My plan? What plan? It was called ‘Mubashir’ because nobody knew what 3G was (“I don’t understand what 3G is!” “No problem, take this! It’s called Mubashir!” “What is it?” “3G”).
Telcos & Disintermediation: Slow Motion Car Crash
Telcos are staring looming disintermediation in the face and don’t have the faintest clue what to do about it.