Added on 17/09/2013
mai abdul rahman
Arab citizens of Israel , Arab–Israeli conflict , Chemical weapons , Christian Zionists , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli Jews , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Palestinian exodus , Palestinian Territories , Palestinian terrorism , Politics , Rabin , Religion/Belief , United States , White House , Yasser Arafat , Zionism
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The hope has long since disappeared. Since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin Israel has pursued a relentless course.
Added on 13/10/2012
mai abdul rahman
Anti-Defamation League , Christian Zionists , DC , executive director , Islam , Israel , Israeli government , New York city , North America , Pamela Geller , The Anti-Defamation League , United States , Washington
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The intention behind the vile subway ad campaign is clear – to drive a wedge between non-Islamic Americans and their Muslim co-citizens.
Added on 30/07/2012
Juan Cole
Benyamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Christian Zionists , fundraiser , George W. Bush , Iran , Iraq , Irgun , Israel , Jerusalem , King David Hotel , Likud Party , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Menachem Begin , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Obama , Olympics , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Sheldon Adelson , sitting president , United Kingdom , United States
JUAN COLE: The trip of Republic Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to Israel is in bad taste for lots of reasons. Here are just 10 reasons as to why…
Added on 24/12/2011
mai abdul rahman
Christian Zionists , Eric Cantor , Israel , Newt Gingrich , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Republicans , United States
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: They have yet to understand they can support Israel without desecrating Palestinians; that their pandering is harmful to everyone.