Added on 02/01/2013
Rob L. Wagner
Abdullah , All Saints' Day , Allen West , Christian Church , Egypt , Episcopal church , Florida , Illinois , Islam , Joe Walsh , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Muslim Public Affairs Council , New Jersey , President , Protestant Episcopal Church , Republican representative , Tea Party , United States , Vienna , Washington DC

ROB L. WAGNER: It seems impossible for many Americans to view Muslims other than through a Middle East lens.
Added on 04/05/2011
Common Ground News Service
Arab government , Bahrain , Christian Church , Democracy , Egypt , Libya , Middle East , Mohammed VI , Morocco , Prime Minister , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tahrir Square , Tunisia , United States , Yemen

MAHMOUD AMIN HISHMEH, CGNEWS: For too long Arabs have listened to the views of outsiders on what a ‘new Middle East’ should look like. Now they’re creating it for themselves.
Added on 03/01/2011
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Ahmet Davutoglu , Alexandria , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ankara , Asia , Avigdor Lieberman , Bush , Christian Church , Damascus , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , Germany , Hamas , Hamid Karzai , Hosni Mubarak , House of Representatives , India , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi army , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jordan , Justice and Development Party , Kirkuk , Lebanon , MEK , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Netanyahu government , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , Oil , Pakistan , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Paris , President , Republican Party , Swat Valley , Syria , Taliban , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , US government , US military , Washington , West Bank , Wikileaks , Yemen

JUAN COLE: The Obama administration has been successful in tightening the financial noose on Iran during 2010, but Iran could fight back like a cornered rat…