Added on 02/03/2013
Jonathan Cook
archeologist , Dead Sea , East Jerusalem , Fertile Crescent , fort of Herodium , Hamdan Taha , Herod , Herodium , Israel , Israel Museum , Israeli settlement , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jericho , Jerusalem , Jerusalem District , Jerusalem Governorate , Palestinian Territories , Second Intifada , West Bank , Yonathan Mizrachi , Zionism

JONATHAN COOK: Many of Palestine’s most treasured tourism sites are strictly controlled and regulated by the Israeli authorities.
Added on 19/01/2013
Common Ground News Service
Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jerusalem , Jerusalem District , Jerusalem Governorate , Land of Israel , Ruth Eglash

RUTH EGLASH, CGNEWS: As snow fell heavily throughout the Levant last week I was reminded of how the weather levels our daily issues