How To Be A Real Middle East Entrepreneur
NASEEM TARAWNAH: It’s not about spinning logos, Facebook likes or fancy events – real entrepreneurship is about engagement.
Saudi Women Driving: A Counter View
ABU MUHAMMED: Opening the door to a situation without fully considering the consequences and preparing for them is likely to cause more harm than good.
Building Entrepreneurship in the Middle East
STEVE ROYSTON: Creating an entrepreneurial culture in a country, as Professor Daniel Isenberg pointed out, requires determination, and a lot of money
Relationships and the Reality of Social Networks
STEVE ROYSTON: In the real world, we have lots of alternative words to describe different levels of relationship – family, colleague, acquaintance to name but a few. On Facebook, everyone is a friend.
Are they Messengers or Missionaries?
STEVE ROYSTON: Successful companies tend not to fire their communications people. That’s not to say that politics, ambition and personal fiefdoms won’t get in the way
Give the social media toddler a chance, Mr Gladwell!
The social media community has reacted emotionally to Malcolm Gladwell’s calculated attack, but has he got a point? “Social media is like a toddler, but nobody yet knows what promise that toddler holds…”