How To Be A Real Middle East Entrepreneur

NASEEM TARAWNAH: It’s not about spinning logos, Facebook likes or fancy events – real entrepreneurship is about engagement.
‘Entrepreneurial Spirit’ Sweeping Through Middle East

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: Positive role models and an increasingly connected world are having a positive effect in encouraging young entrepreneurs
‘Stereotype Killer’: Muslim Men Speak About Lives

NADIA MOHAMMAD, CGNEWS: Everyone seems to have an opinion on who and what Muslim men are. Time to ask the men themselves
Absent Middle Class Key to Gulf Stability

FRANCIS MATTHEW: In all Gulf states government dominates the economy. That dependence fosters a lack of entrepreneurial motivation.
News Analysis: The UAE’s new bankruptcy law

NEWS ANALYSIS: The UAE is in the early stages of implementing a new bankruptcy law that will allow companies the time they need to restructure their business…
Bader Young Entrepreneurs: Good Initiative, But Why the ‘Young’?

MICH CAFE: Despite initial skepticism, Mich Cafe finds much to like in a program that promotes entrepreneurship through education, finance and networking.
Building Entrepreneurship in the Middle East

STEVE ROYSTON: Creating an entrepreneurial culture in a country, as Professor Daniel Isenberg pointed out, requires determination, and a lot of money
Entrepreneurship is ‘a state of mind’ – gurus

HISHAM WYNE: What makes a successful entrepreneur? At the ‘Celebration of Entrepreneurship’ conference which was recently held in Dubai, there was consensus among some of the region’s most celebrated businesspeople.
Top 10 Twitter Users in Saudi Arabia

AHMED AL-OMRAN: Twitter’s swept the world but has it made serious inroads into Saudi Arabia? Yes! And here’s my personal ‘Top Ten’ countdown of the Kingdom’s leading Twitter users.