Added on 05/06/2013
Asia , Business/Finance , Censorship , Computer network security , Content-control software , Information society , Internet , Internet censorship , Jordan , Press and Publications Department , Privacy , Technology/Internet

M. LYNX-QUALEY: As of June 2nd a published list of news websites have been formally banned in Jordan. What next?
Added on 28/08/2012
Naseem Tarawnah
Censorship , Freedom of Speech , Internet censorship , Internet freedom , Jordan , Journalism , Online media , Prime Minister , Real Estate , Social Media

NASEEM TARAWNAH: Internet censorship is coming soon to Jordan and coming in a big way. What can any of us do?
Added on 19/11/2011
Censorship , Egypt , Hizballah , Internet censorship , Israel , Libya , Literature , Saddam Hussein , Salman Rushdie , The Star , The Toronto Star , Toronto Star , Tripoli , Tunisia

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Who knows – it could set the template for a wave of such events. Libya’s ‘Book Un-Banning Ceremony’ is worth celebrating.