Alexander McNabb

Oman and Censorship: The Line You Can’t Define

Oman and Censorship: The Line You Can’t Define

ALEXANDER MCNABB: The rule in this issue is that the freedom of individuals stops when the freedom of other individuals starts. But where is that dividing line?

 Susan Al Shahri

Crackdown on Omani Online Community

Crackdown on Omani Online Community

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: A number of individuals have been arrested but it’s not clear what they’ve done and what the boundaries actually are.

 Common Ground News Service

Free Speech: All You Need is Mic & Laptop

Free Speech: All You Need is Mic & Laptop

CGNEWS: Three young Libyans have used their new found freedom to set up a radio station to discuss issues formerly off-limits.

 Mich Cafe

Vimto – The Drink of Choice for Ramadan

Vimto – The Drink of Choice for Ramadan

MICH CAFE: No-one seems to know how it has happened but a modest, cordial drink from a small village in England is a firm Ramadan favourite.

 Naseem Tarawnah

‘Casinogate’: An Unwelcome Distraction

‘Casinogate’: An Unwelcome Distraction

NASEEM TARAWNAH: On and on it goes with no end in sight. Some are calling it a ‘test of democracy’. Really? There are a lot more pressing issues facing the Jordanian people.


Social Media is Catalysing Arab World Change

Social Media is Catalysing Arab World Change

EMAN AL-NAFJAN: Leaders throughout the Arab World are suspicious of new media. Their citizens are using tools not simply to communicate concerns, but campaign for change.

 Jonathan Cook

Publish it Not – Israel and the Sultans of Spin

Publish it Not – Israel and the Sultans of Spin

JONATHAN COOK: Most freelancers forced into this position would either have learned to tailor their reporting to what was expected by the news desks or have headed off to another conflict zone. I stayed…