Added on 24/01/2014
Aida Bamia , American University in Cairo Press , Arabic literature , author , Barbara Romaine , Entertainment/Culture , Hanan al-Shaykh , Hoda Barakat , Lebanese people , Marilyn Booth , Michelle Hartman , Paula Haydar , Radwa Ashour , Sahar Khalifeh , translator , William Granara

M. LYNX-QUALEY: I’m a less than enthusiastic participant in the ‘Women to Read’ movement but here are some writers worth spending time with.
Added on 02/01/2014
Adunis , Arabic culture , Arabic language , Arabic literature , Boulos , Christopher Tingley , Hassan Blasim , Human Interest , Ibrahim , Jurji Zaydan , Mahmoud Darwish , Sonallah Ibrahim

M. LYNX-QUALEY: ‘There’s far too much to choose from. Where do I start is?’ a common complaint. So here are a few primers.
Added on 11/11/2013
Adam Talib , Ali , Arabic language , Arabic literature , author , Culture , Entertainment/Culture , Holocaust denial , Khairy Shalaby , Languages of Africa , Languages of Asia , Mekkawi Said , Novel

M. LYNX-QUALEY: If you’re looking to communicate with an audience that is, let’s call it, less sympathetic to your views how should you go about it?
Added on 09/10/2013
Arab people , Arabic literature , Entertainment/Culture , Hisham , Mahfouz , Naguib Mahfouz , One Thousand and One Nights , Religious persecution , Tawfiq al-Hakim

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Naguib Mahfouz himself saw him as the originator of the modern Arab novel. His work and his life are deserving of celebration
Added on 11/09/2013
Abd al-Quddus , Ahlam Mostaghanemi , Arab people , Arabic literature , Egypt , Entertainment/Culture , Ibrahim Aslan , Literature , Maqama , Naguib Mahfouz , Richard Jacquemond , Tawfiq al-Hakim

M. LYNX-QUALEY: I confess – I read from both sides of the so-called ‘great divide’ in Egyptian literature. Should we even talk in these terms anymore?
Added on 16/08/2013
Arabic literature , Arabic poetry , Asian people , Edinburgh , Iraq , Iraqi people , Lauren Pyott , Nationality , Ryan Van Winkle , Saadi , Saadi Yousef , Saadi Youssef , Sinan Antoon

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Ryan Van Winkle, a Scottish poet, has been a key figure in an initiative called ‘Reel Iraq’ which has helped to give wider recognition to the country’s leading writers
Added on 16/06/2013
Ahlam Mosteghanemi , Algerian people , Arabic language , Arabic literature , Culture , Edoardo Sonzogno , Entertainment/Culture , Francesca Prevedello , Italy , Languages of Africa , Languages of Asia , Naguib Mahfouz , The Yacoubian Building , Year of birth missing

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Diving in the Red Sea is not the only pleasure from this region that is proving appealing to Italians. There is a growing interest in its literature.
Added on 11/05/2013
Alex Zucker , Arabic literature , Culture of New York City , Elias Khoury , Entertainment/Culture , Iraq , Islam , Khouri , Literature , Novelist , PEN America , PEN American Center , PEN World Voices , Postcolonial literature , Religion , Salman Rushdie , Suzanne Nossel

M. LYNX-QUALEY: At major international writer events there seems to be an overwhelming focus on the politics of the region. Understandable but we’re neglecting a fuller picture
Added on 07/03/2013
Arabic languages , Arabic literature , Classical Arabic , Egyptian Arabic , Entertainment/Culture , Galal Amin , Hassan Blasim , Libyan Arabic , Modern Standard Arabic , Quran , Sudanese Arabic , Varieties of Arabic

M. LYNX-QUALEY: There is a strong and growing sentiment against the constraints put upon writers in the region who write in a collloquial style