‘Cousin Marriage’ in Dhofar: Dangers Are Ignored

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: Its practice is still extremely common in the south of Oman. The obsession with keeping the tribe pure comes at a price though.
Mumbo Jumbo in Oman: Black Magic Still A Force

DHOFARI GUCCI: I know of a recent, rather unpleasant incident which occurred in Dhofar. It’s a reminder that even in the early 21st century black magic lives on in Oman
Burqa Tradition Dies in Dhofar: Not Soon Enough

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: I’ve only worn a burqa once and that’s more than enough times. Its appearance in Dhofar is getting increasingly more rare.
The Mall Arrives: Is It The End of ‘Old’ Salalah?

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: A cinema, a decent cup of coffee, people watching – all great. So why does my heart sink at the arrival of Salalah’s first mall.
Birkat Al Mawz: Oman’s ‘Totally Cool’ Ghost Town

SARAH WALTON: They don’t make it easy for you to reach some of Oman’s tourist treasures but with a little effort you’ll find it. Certainly worth the trouble.
The Trials and Tribulations of a Dhofari Bride

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: I removed myself some time ago from the Dhofari wedding scene. Here’s why.
Muscat: The Lure of the Big City for Dhofaris

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: It’s always great to get away from the small town atmosphere of Dhofar for a few days and enjoy the anonymity of the big city.
The Deep Frustration of ‘the Salalah Shuffle’

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: You’re a frequent flyer, you’ve booked your seat in advance but you know the boarding pass guarantees you nothing but annoyance.
Oman’s Pride: The Royal Opera House

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: I am so proud of the progress of Oman. The opera house will take tourism to a new level, thus boosting our economy and providing more jobs to Omanis.
Hostage Taking in Yemen: Rules of Engagement

DANIEL M. VARISCO: For many years foreigners taken hostage in Yemen had little to fear. That was until Al Qaeda killings in the mid-2000s.
Eid is Just Around the Corner: So Where to Go?

THE HEDONISTA: Eid al Adha has been my favourite – the last few years it has fallen far enough out of summer it occurs with the change of season.
Moroccan Souks Under Threat: Retail Boom Bites

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: The big boys from Europe are moving aggressively into the Moroccan retail space and they’re squeezing the profit margins of souk operators.
The Quiet, Undiscovered Joys of Oman

THE HEDONISTA: ‘One smile begets another’ and the people of Oman are very generous with their smiles. They’re also very keen to share their hidden gems…
Iran: Problems on the Horizon for Gulf States

DAVID ROBERTS: These events take place in the context of growing Shia power, encapsulated by the notion of a Shia crescent ‘enveloping’ the region…