Jebel Akdar: Exotic, Warm and Welcoming

SARAH WALTON: It’s a place of simple but genuine pleasures, truly a delightful destination in Oman
Questions Continue to Surround Bin Hamman

JAMES M. DORSEY: The appointment by Qatari and UAE soccer bodies of individuals who worked with Mohammed bin Hamman raises more questions
The Quiet, Undiscovered Joys of Oman

THE HEDONISTA: ‘One smile begets another’ and the people of Oman are very generous with their smiles. They’re also very keen to share their hidden gems…
Municipal councils & the spirit of civic participation

Emiratis seem to be disconnected from public service and civic duty. If they are empowered to represent their communities, then the energy of a young and growing population could be harnessed in the right direction…