Added on 24/01/2014
Aida Bamia , American University in Cairo Press , Arabic literature , author , Barbara Romaine , Entertainment/Culture , Hanan al-Shaykh , Hoda Barakat , Lebanese people , Marilyn Booth , Michelle Hartman , Paula Haydar , Radwa Ashour , Sahar Khalifeh , translator , William Granara

M. LYNX-QUALEY: I’m a less than enthusiastic participant in the ‘Women to Read’ movement but here are some writers worth spending time with.
Added on 11/11/2013
Adam Talib , Ali , Arabic language , Arabic literature , author , Culture , Entertainment/Culture , Holocaust denial , Khairy Shalaby , Languages of Africa , Languages of Asia , Mekkawi Said , Novel

M. LYNX-QUALEY: If you’re looking to communicate with an audience that is, let’s call it, less sympathetic to your views how should you go about it?
Added on 25/10/2013
author , Automobile Club , Entertainment/Culture , Girls of Riyadh , Humphrey T. Davies , Jonathan Wright , Linguistics , Literature , Marilyn Booth , Rajaa al-Sanea , Samah Selim , Translation , translator

M. LYNX-QUALEY: He’s arguably Egypt’s best-known novelist but Alaa Aswany has come under ferocious criticism from his ex-translator
Added on 16/10/2013
Common Ground News Service
Africa , author , Cairo , Egypt , Egyptian people , Egyptians , Emad Badr El-Din Mahmoud Abu Ghazy , Ethnic groups in Egypt , Graffiti , Italy , Journalist , Middle East , Politics of Egypt , Protests in Egypt , Raghda El-Halawany , Randa Ghazy , Randa Switzerland , the author of three novels

RANDA GHAZY, CGNEWS: Refusing to be bowed by pressure to choose one side or the other young Egyptians are trying to take hold of their own future