Added on 11/11/2013
Adam Talib , Ali , Arabic language , Arabic literature , author , Culture , Entertainment/Culture , Holocaust denial , Khairy Shalaby , Languages of Africa , Languages of Asia , Mekkawi Said , Novel
M. LYNX-QUALEY: If you’re looking to communicate with an audience that is, let’s call it, less sympathetic to your views how should you go about it?
Added on 21/10/2013
Common Ground News Service
Ali Khamenei , British people , CNN INTERNATIONAL , English people , Harvest , Hassan Rouhani , Holocaust denial , Iran , Mohammad Javad Zarif , Persian Jews , Politics , Politics of Iran , Rosh Hashanah , Zarif
MICHAEL FELSEN, CGNEWS: A recent exchange of tweets hints at a more positive future dialogue between two regional superpowers.
Added on 03/02/2013
Steve Royston
Adolf Hitler , Amin Husseini , Antisemitism , Discrimination , Fathi Shihab Eddin , Germany , Holocaust denial , Israel , Jewish history , Jews , Josef Stalin , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Religion , Religion and politics , Responsibility for the Holocaust , Sociology , The Holocaust , United Kingdom , United States , Zionism
STEVE ROYSTON: It’s not just the Second World War that has been warped by teachers, politicians and others for their own purposes.