The Post-Assange Era Looks Bleak for Media Freedom
ABU MOHAMMED: It’s clear that a lesson is being taught to Julian Assange and anyone else who believes in true freedom of the media
The Joys and Challenges of Raising Expat Kids
ABU MOHAMMED: Raising children in the United States provides challenges that are all too familiar. Raising them in Saudi Arabia brings different issues, however.
The Pros and Cons of Being an Expat in Dubai
THE HEDONISTA: Written from an Australian perspective – Vegemite and Tim Tams feature – I think there’s enough here to give everyone a flavour of what they’ll gain and lose as an expat in Dubai.
Do I Have to Party just Because it’s New Year?
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Beneath my grumpy response to the start-of-year festivities, I await this year’s events with a nervous delight.