Emirati Sci-Fi Author ‘In No Hurry’ To Translate

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Noura Noman is delighted that her sci-fi novel in Arabic is appealing to primarily teenage audience starved of popular literature in their language
‘Abandon French?’ Not Any Time Soon In Morocco

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: English is a language that is increasingly heard in Morocco. Does this spell the end for French?
‘No Government Support’ for Arabic Literature

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Unlike most Western governments there is little appetite among any Arab government for the translation and promotion of literature. It’s a great shame.
Protecting Arabic In Digital Communications

CROSSROADS ARABIA: No language—not even ‘dead’ languages like Latin—are immune to change. Latin is constantly developing to deal with new technology and social developments.
Al-Qaida’s Alternative to Cosmo Magazine

AMERICAN BEDU: Al-Shamikha, meaning ‘Majestic Woman’ in Arabic is a women’s magazine which Al-Qaida has combined elements of Soldier of Fortune and “Cosmopolitan” magazine.
#Egypt Wakes up Global Media Outlets to Arabic

NATASHA TYNES: Events in Egypt have woken up global media to the importance of Arabic, especially in social media and communications with their audiences.
Arabic: Why it’s Failing, What Can be Done

STEVE ROYSTON: What troubles Arab intellectuals is that the use of the Arabic language is declining. There’s an Arabic interface for Facebook, yet 75% of Arab users prefer the English.
Dr. Mutawa: Book Censorship is Killing Arabic

In the name of preserving culture, book censorship is really killing it. … People interested in culture are gravitating toward English argues the author of the extremely successful comic book series, 99.