Added on 28/09/2012
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Android , Apple , Drone Strikes , iPhone , New America Foundation , NYU , smartphone , United States , US government
TBIJ: In correspondence seen by the Bureau, the US tech giant told Begley that apps that ‘present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected.’
Added on 29/02/2012
Alexander McNabb
Alpha , Android , Beirut , Dubai , iPhone , London , Operating system , Telecommunications , UAE , United Kingdom , United States
ALEXANDER MCNABB: You’ve had to listen to how much fun your i-Phone dabbing friends have with Siri. Now it’s your turn.
Added on 08/02/2012
Alexander McNabb
Android , Dubai , HSBC , Technology , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom
ALEXANDER MCNABB: You’ll have a clash between the RTA, telcos and banks: Who will ‘own’ mobile money? Suddenly the Nol card becomes really interesting.
Added on 12/05/2011
Alexander McNabb
Android , Egypt , Facebook , Google+ , Gulf News , Hillary Clinton , Jordan , Morocco , Saudi Arabia , Sky News , Social Media , Twitter , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , White House
ALEXANDER MCNABB: Presumably GN felt it couldn’t use the word ‘Jewish’, but I do feel misled… Context and analysis? I’d rather trust Twitter…
Added on 04/01/2011
Carrington Malin
Adobe , Android , Blogging , Broadband , East Africa , Egypt , Facebook , Food and Drink , Google+ , Internet users , iPhone , Iran , Middle East , North Africa , Online media , PayPal , Print media , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Social networking , Technology , United Arab Emirates
CARRINGTON MALIN: Some of our predictions may seem a little obvious and some may seem a little extreme, but all should provide food for thought.
Added on 04/01/2011
Alexander McNabb
Android , Broadband , Etisalat , Google+ , Happy New Year , mobile Internet , New Year's Day , Nokia , Operating system
ALEXANDER MCNABB: My plan? What plan? It was called ‘Mubashir’ because nobody knew what 3G was (“I don’t understand what 3G is!” “No problem, take this! It’s called Mubashir!” “What is it?” “3G”).