Added on 21/04/2011
Al Ahram Weekly , Alexandria , Arabian Gulf , AUC Press , Bahaa Taher , Bahrain , Beirut , Cairo , Catherine Cobham , Christina Phillips , Columbia University , Denys Johnson-Davies , Editor-in-Chief , Edward Said , Egypt , Elias Khoury , Emile Habibi , Gamal al-Ghitani , Ghassan Kanafani , Google+ , Haifa , Hanan al-Shaykh , Hassan Nasrallah , Humphrey Davies , Ibrahim Abdel Meguid , Ibrahim al-Koni , Ibrahim Aslan , Ibrahim Jabra , Indiana University , Iraq , Islah party , Italy , Khairy Shalaby , Kuwait , Literature , Minister of Information , Morocco , Mourid Barghouti , Naguib Mahfouz , Novelist , Paris , Peter Theroux , Qatar , Radwa Ashour , Rashad Abu Shawar , Salwa Bakr , Samia Mehrez , Shakir Mustafa , Syracuse University , Syria , Tawfiq al-Hakim , United Kingdom , William Hutchins , Yemen Times , Yusuf Idris

The Top 100 – and Five – Arabic Novels

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The Arab Writers Union has listed the Top 100 Arabic novels. Puzzling, annoying, lists such as this are nevertheless fun.
Added on 02/04/2011
Al Ahram Weekly , Alaa al-Aswany , Daily News Egypt , Democracy , Egypt , Egyptian Book Organization , Ibrahim al-Koni , Ibrahim Farghali , Latin America , Libya , Literature , Mubarak , Novelist , The National , The Washington Post

Novels of the Revolution: What will they look like?

M. LYNX-QUALEY: With many of the ‘red lines’ now swept away novelists throughout the Arab world are free to touch on subjects hitherto out of bounds.