“If You Only Ever Read Five Arabic Books, Read These”
M. LYNX-QUALEY: So you’ve decided that there’s only enough time in your life to read five Arabic books (translated). Here’s a little help deciding which five.
Best Arabic Books of 2011: A Personal Choice
M. LYNX-QUALEY: It’s been a momentous year in politics in the Arab World but how has literature measured up? Herewith 2011 ‘s highlights.
Egypt’s Artists: ‘Bunch of Headless Chickens’?
M. LYNX-QUALEY: Egypt’s intellectuals are coming under increasing fire from their own …
The Silence of the Poets – And That Includes You, Adonis
M.LYNX-QUALEY: Poets have traditionally held a central role in reflecting the life of Arabs. Is that role, however, being usurped by other, more modern means of communication?
The under-appreciated Sargon Boulus
A new translation of Boulus poem made M. Lynx Qualey reflect on how little-known the towering, excellent Boulus is in English—outside of Banipal readers.