Crossroads Arabia

Saudi Media’s ‘Lack of Enthusiasm’ on Egypt Reporting

Saudi Media’s ‘Lack of Enthusiasm’ on Egypt Reporting

CROSSROADS ARABIA: While they could hardly not report on it, I sense a lack of enthusiasm in Saudi media’s reporting on the clash between Egyptian President Morsi and the Egyptian judiciary.


No More ‘Jaw-Jaw’ on Syria: Action Needed

No More ‘Jaw-Jaw’ on Syria: Action Needed

EMAN AL-NAFJAN: Syria seems to have captured the attention of the region’s religious leaders but still the international community just talks


The Parallel Ends of Mubarak and Don Giovanni

The Parallel Ends of Mubarak and Don Giovanni

DANIEL VARISCO: In ways he is a stark iconic shadow of Mubarak. In the end Don Giovanni meets his stone-cold fate: A statue of Ozymandias drags him down into hell


Ramses II, Mubarak I: Spot the Difference

Ramses II, Mubarak I: Spot the Difference

DANIEL M. VARISCO: His survival as Egypt’s modern day Pharaoh is looking less likely by the hour. How will his legacy stack up?