Added on 22/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Africa , automobile manufacturing , Economy , Energy , Hyundai , Isuzu Motors Ltd. , King Saud University , minerals processing , Natural gas , oil exports , Oil producer , plastics , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Solar energy , South Korea , Telecommunications , World Trade Organization

ROB L. WAGNER: As the authorities in Saudi Arabia seek to diversify the country’s economy what’s the future for one of their key strategic moves?
Added on 25/03/2012
Juan Cole
Africa , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Arab Spring , Asma al-Assad , Bahrain , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood , European Union , First Lady , France , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Homs , Idlib , Iraq , Justice and Development Party , Libya , Mali , Manama , oil exports , Palestine Liberation Organization , President , Renaissance Party , Syria , Tear gas , Tunisia , United States , Yemen

JUAN COLE: Not that you’d know from watching American TV news but there have been important developments in the Arab world recently
Added on 09/01/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Africa , ARAMCO , Asia , automobile manufacturing , Automobiles , Bloomberg , car parts , China , Food and Drink , Hyundai , irrigation systems , Isuzu Motors Ltd. , King Saud University , Kings College , Korea , minerals processing , North Africa , Oil , Oil and gas , oil exports , Oil revenues , plastics , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Saudis , School of Oriental and African Studies , Solar energy

ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabia has been looking for more than 40 years for an export product that will minimize its dependency on oil. Have they found it?