Added on 09/01/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Africa , ARAMCO , Asia , automobile manufacturing , Automobiles , Bloomberg , car parts , China , Food and Drink , Hyundai , irrigation systems , Isuzu Motors Ltd. , King Saud University , Kings College , Korea , minerals processing , North Africa , Oil , Oil and gas , oil exports , Oil revenues , plastics , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Saudis , School of Oriental and African Studies , Solar energy
ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabia has been looking for more than 40 years for an export product that will minimize its dependency on oil. Have they found it?
Added on 25/11/2010
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
BBC , Co-Chairman , Conservative Party , India , Islam , Kings College , Labour Party , professor of law , Sarah Joseph , United Kingdom , Veil , Women
SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMMED: Muslim women can not be simply defined by what they choose to wear. They share the same day-to-day concerns as non-Muslim women.