Added on 22/07/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Africa , automobile manufacturing , Economy , Energy , Hyundai , Isuzu Motors Ltd. , King Saud University , minerals processing , Natural gas , oil exports , Oil producer , plastics , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Solar energy , South Korea , Telecommunications , World Trade Organization

ROB L. WAGNER: As the authorities in Saudi Arabia seek to diversify the country’s economy what’s the future for one of their key strategic moves?
Added on 26/01/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Ali Akbar Salehi , Ali Al-Naimi , Arabian Gulf , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Captain , China , Ehsan Ahrari , European Union , GCC , Gulf Cooperation Council , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Islamists , Israel , Israeli government , Japan , Jeddah , Korea , Kuwait , London , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Middle East , Middle East Analyst , Military hardware , Norfolk , Oil , oil customer , Oil producer , Oil production , Oman , OPEC , Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , Pentagon , President , Qatar , Red Sea , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , South Korea , Strait of Hormuz , Sunni , Turki al-Faisal , United Arab Emirates , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Virginia , Wen Jiabao , Yanbu

ROB L. WAGNER: As tensions increase all parties are beginning to make calculations regarding the effect of a possible conflict in the Arabian Gulf.
Added on 09/06/2011
Alexander McNabb
Adnoc , Enoc , EPPCO , Gulf News , Jebel Ali port , Middle East , Oil producer , petrol , Social Media , The National , UAE , UAE newspapers , United Arab Emirates

ALEXANDER MCNABB: It’s yet more bad publicity for the country (the oil producer that ran out of fuel – wait for the internationals to pick that one up).
Added on 24/12/2010
Steve Royston
Abdullah , China , Council of Ministers , Deng Xiaoping , Egypt , Facebook , Hosni Mubarak , Jeddah , Leonid Brezhnev , Middle East , Minister of Information , Ministry of Education , Oil producer , President , Russia , SAR , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Social networking , Soviet Union , Vladimir Putin , Wen Jiabao , Youth

STEVE ROYSTON: Respect for the elderly is deeply ingrained in Arab society. Saudi Arabia, however, faces a major demographic challenge – a hugely youthful population.
Added on 27/11/2010
James M. Dorsey
Abdulaziz , Al Qaeda , Allegiance Council , Bandar bin Sultan , former head , Governor , guard , Iraq , Ireland , Khalid al-Faisal , Khalid bin Sultan , Kuwait , Mecca , National Guard , Nayef , New York , Oil producer , Riyadh , Saud al-Faisal , Saudi Arabia , Saudi intelligence , Turki al-Faisal , United Kingdom , United States , Washington

JAMES M. DORSEY: With King Abdullah recuperating in the United States, many of the key players who will play a part in the succession to a new generation have returned to the Kingdom.