Added on 27/12/2010
Yahya Ederer
Catholic Church , Chanukah , Christmas , Eid Al-Adha , Festival of Lights , Holy Temple , Islam , messenger , Ramadan , United Kingdom

YAHYA EDERER: Every December the Christmas clamour seems to increase around the world. I have some thoughts on how Muslims should manage the festive ‘bombardment’.
Added on 19/12/2010
Prince El Hassan bin Talal
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Baghdad , Barack Obama , Cairo , Chanukah , Christmas , Common Ground News Service , Dubai , Eid Al-Adha , guard , Holy Temple , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi government , Jerusalem , Mecca , Middle East , Pakistan , Peace , President , United States , Yemen

HRH PRINCE EL HASSAN BIN TALAL: It was a year which began with much promise and, whisper it, hope around the Middle East. It ends, however, with feelings that are all too familiar…