Added on 14/05/2013
Jonathan Cook
Arab citizens of Israel , Arab League , Arab League Summit , Arab Peace Initiative , Arab–Israeli conflict , Benjamin Netanyahu , Israel , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , Peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Prime Minister , Second Intifada , United States , Washington

JONATHAN COOK: Here we go again with another re-heated so-called peace initiative. But the foundations on which it’s built are familiar and fragile
Added on 23/01/2013
Arab Peace Initiative , Ashkenazi Jews , Israel , Israeli Jews , Israeli legislative election , Likud , Middle East , Netanyahu , Politics , Politics of Israel , Revisionist Zionism , Secularism in Israel , Shinui , Tzipi Livni , Yair Lapid , Yisrael Beiteinu

MONDOWEISS: The surprising blow to Netanyahu suggests good news for Israeli-Palestinian relations. Let’s look at Yair Lapid’s statements on the issue.