Common Ground News Service

Time is Ripe for Re-alignment of U.S/Pakistan Relations

Time is Ripe for Re-alignment of U.S/Pakistan Relations

HUMA YUSUF, CGNEWS: The way in which the United States summarily despatched Osama bin Laden on Pakistani territory has alarmed and upset many in the country. Unlikely as it seems there is, however, room for optimism.

 Ramzy Baroud

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

RAMZY BAROUD: With Egypt reaching out to Israeli foes and the Palestinian agreement to work together Israel’s policy of division is in tatters.

 Juan Cole

Goodbye Bin Laden. Now It’s Time to Exit Iraq

Goodbye Bin Laden. Now It’s Time to Exit Iraq

JUAN COLE: Post Osama, President Obama should do us all a favour and now remove U.S. troops from Iraq.

 Ramzy Baroud

Libya Woes An Opportunity to Extend U.S Influence?

Libya Woes An Opportunity to Extend U.S Influence?

RAMZY BAROUD: There is a lot of discussion and political calculation bouncing around the corridors of power in Washington about Libya.

 Juan Cole

Arab World Democratists, Meet Thomas Jefferson

Arab World Democratists, Meet Thomas Jefferson

JUAN COLE: I am hopeful that the book will find an eager reception in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries yearning for democracy in the Arab world.


Stakes Getting Higher by the Day in Bahrain

Stakes Getting Higher by the Day in Bahrain

GENIEVE ABDO, JASIM HUSAIN, TABSIR: While the mainstream opposition in Bahrain distances itself from Iran, the noises from Tehran are becoming more strident and belligerent

 Juan Cole

‘Our Luck’, A President That Gets Complexity

‘Our Luck’, A President That Gets Complexity

JUAN COLE: President Obama’s speech last night demonstrated clearly the qualities of leadership that those who seek to challenge him simply do not possess.


The Price of Intervention: Can the U.S. Afford It?

The Price of Intervention: Can the U.S. Afford It?

ISSA KHALAF, MONDOWEISS: The price of military intervention always comes at a higher price than initially anticipated. Can the United States afford to intervene in Libya?

 Juan Cole

Qaddafi Threatens West With Al Qaeda Alliance

Qaddafi Threatens West With Al Qaeda Alliance

JUAN COLE: As the unfolding disaster in Japan distracts the world’s attention Qaddafi’s re-conquest of Libya rolls on. There will be scores to settle…

 Jonathan Cook

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

JONATHAN COOK: Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him.


Obama’s Advice to Troubled Leaders: ‘Hang on in There’

Obama’s Advice to Troubled Leaders: ‘Hang on in There’

MONDOWEISS: ‘Regime alteration’ is the new buzz phrase in the Washington corridors of power. The Obama administration is advocating a ‘tortoise’ rather than a ‘hare’ strategy to those seeking change in the region. Will it resonate?

 James M. Dorsey

Is Turkey the Role Model for the Arab World?

Is Turkey the Role Model for the Arab World?

JAMES M. DORSEY: For the first time in its history, Turkey is emerging as a true bridge between East and West. Unrest elsewhere however puts Turkish aspirations to the test.

 Juan Cole

Why What Worked in Egypt, Will Not Trip Up Iran

Why What Worked in Egypt, Will Not Trip Up Iran

KUSHA SEFAT, INFORMED COMMENT: The international conditions for revolution were ripe in Tunisia and Egypt. This is simply not the case in Iran.

 Jonathan Cook

Israeli Military to Cash in on Egyptian Revolution

Israeli Military to Cash in on Egyptian Revolution

JONATHAN COOK: Israel has always presented itself as ‘the villa in the jungle’. The military in ‘the villa’ see an opportunity to secure additional U.S. largess.


Israeli ‘muscle flexing’ could harm U.S Interests

Israeli ‘muscle flexing’ could harm U.S Interests

ALI GHARIB, MONDOWEISS: Two Iranian warships pass through the Suez Canal and the Israelis howl in protest. The U.S administration quickly falls into line…


Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Fine words in Cairo almost two years ago are forgotten when the Israeli lobby makes a call for a vote on illegal West Bank settlements…

 Ramzy Baroud

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

RAMZY BAROUD: The revolution has restored power to the people, an experience many of us will always remember with pride, and a few with fear.


Comment on Saudi Takes Action Against ‘Preachers of Hate’ by Ghalib

Sucking up to Abdullah, Sabria? Fact is it is your beloved USA and Britain who conspired to make war against Islam (yes, Islam, not Iraq and Afghanistan). So, in one sense I agree: Christianity is not the real enemy in this context, it is Washington and London. But the result of all those Saudi students attending those Christian institutions you mentioned is a newly-acquired compromise on their identities as Arabs and Muslims. It is time your government wakes up to the fact that they have sold Islam’s holy land to their masters in Washington.
For me and millions of Muslims, we say: Hasbunallahu wa ni’amal wakeel.

 Juan Cole

The Top Five Effects of Egypt’s Revolution

The Top Five Effects of Egypt’s Revolution

JUAN COLE – Events are moving quickly around the Arab World following the departure of Hosni Mubarak. I highlight, what I believe, are the most significant developments.

 Crossroads Arabia

Something Amiss About Saudi Oil Reserve Story

Something Amiss About Saudi Oil Reserve Story

CROSSROADS ARABIA: ‘Saudi overstates oil reserves by 40%’ blasted the headlines. Cue global panic. But the story deserves a little more investigation…