Common Ground News Service

Yemen: Vital To Address Economic Ills Quickly

Yemen: Vital To Address Economic Ills Quickly

ABUBAKR AL-SHAMAHI, CGNEWS: A limited window of opportunity has opened for Yemen’s new government.


‘Writing the Revolution’: Two Authors Reflect

‘Writing the Revolution’: Two Authors Reflect

JENNIFER SEARS, ARABLIT: Two leading novelists attending an event in New York reflect on the role of intellectuals on this year’s events.

 Common Ground News Service

The #1 Victim of Al Qaeda Attacks? Muslims

The #1 Victim of Al Qaeda Attacks? Muslims

HUSSEIN ABDALLAH, GGNEWS: Al Qaeda’s strategy of violence has made them less and less relevant to the people effecting change throughout the Arab world.

 James M. Dorsey

Protests & Cessation Threats Set Stage for Change

Protests & Cessation Threats Set Stage for Change

JAMES M. DORSEY: A wave of protests across the Arab world sets the stage for the redrawing of the political map of the Mideast and North Africa.

 James M. Dorsey

Qatar WC 2022: A Middle East Game Changer?

Qatar WC 2022: A Middle East Game Changer?

JAMES M. DORSEY: So deep-seated is soccer passion that governments would be acting at their own peril and would likely conclude that they have no alternative but to allow their teams to play Israel.