Added on 13/06/2011
Ghazi Gheblawi , Hisham Matar , Journalism , Khaled Mattawa , Libya , Literature , Poet

M. LYNX-QUALEY: ‘Censorship is good for literature’? This was a curious refrain from some East European writers. No way, look at Libya today.
Added on 30/05/2011
Al-Hayat , Egypt , Facebook , Journalist , Literature , Middle East , Poet , Sinan Antoon , Syria , Tunisia , Twitter , Youssef Rakha

M.LYNX-QUALEY: Poets have traditionally held a central role in reflecting the life of Arabs. Is that role, however, being usurped by other, more modern means of communication?
Added on 29/05/2011
Steve Royston
Elizabeth II , George III , Poet

STEVE ROYSTON: Ending the principle that you cannot libel the dead would make it almost impossible to discuss the past without fear of litigation.
Added on 16/04/2011
Rachel McArthur
Beirut , Cairo , Egypt , Facebook , future president , MBC , Poet , SAR , Tahrir Square , Twitter , YouTube

RACHEL MCARTHUR: Being part Egyptian, I’m happy to say I was the first UAE-based writer to interview the performer. Here’s what Amr Qattamesh had to say.
Added on 31/03/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Ali Abdullah Saleh , Aref Dalila , Beirut , Ben Ali , Damascus , Egypt , Food and Drink , Hafez Al Assad , Healthcare , Hillary Clinton , Iraq , Kuwait , Libya , London , Middle East , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , Poet , President , Secretary of State , Syria , Syrian government , United States , Yemen

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: It’s a ‘plot’, ‘foreign elements’ are at work, the word ‘conspiracy’ is never far from the lips of Syria’s official spokespeople. We’ve heard it all before – from Ben Ali, Mubarak, Gaddafi and Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Added on 26/03/2011
BBC , Ghazi Gheblawi , Khaled Mattawa , Libya , New York , Poet , Poetry

M. LYNX QUALEY: “Now that we have lived on this hard-earned crust, We would sooner die than seek any other taste to life, Any other way of being human…”
Added on 18/03/2011
Cairo , Christina Phillips , Egypt , Galal Amin , Isis , Israel , Khaled al-Berry , Literature , Mahmoud Darwish , Marilyn Booth , Middle East , Mourid Barghouti , Nawal al-Saadawi , Palestinian Territories , Paris , Piers Amodia , Poet , Radwa Ashour , Ramallah , Samuel Shimon , Sayyid Qutb , Tahrir Square , Women’s Prison

M.LYNX-QUALEY: It’s almost impossible to choose just five ‘must read’ biographies from the Arab world. When asked to do so I managed to limit it to six.
Added on 15/12/2010
Remona Aly
BBC , Common Ground News Service , Europe , Islam , London , Media outlets , Mehdi Hasan , Memorial Day , Mexico , Middle East , New York , New Zealand , Poet , Public Relations , Social networking , United Kingdom , United States

REMONA ALY: A bold initiative by young Muslim professionals to improve Britons’ view of Islam has sparked much debate. It may also be a template worth copying.
Added on 09/10/2010
Al-Hayat , Baghdad , Berlin , Iraq , London , Margaret Obank , Oil , Poet , Sinan Antoon , Youssef Rakha

A new translation of Boulus poem made M. Lynx Qualey reflect on how little-known the towering, excellent Boulus is in English—outside of Banipal readers.