Egyptian Justice On Trial as Mubarak Theater of the Absurd Goes On… And on…

RANIA AL MALKY: Without a just verdict, this absurd piece of courtroom drama will join a shameful list of reminders the revolution is far from complete.
25 Days: The Countdown to the Anniversary of Egypt’s Uprising Has Begun…

RANIA AL MALKY: Over the past two weeks, SCAF has turned this cause for celebration to a potential apocalypse, casting a dark shadow of fear…
Psychological Warfare: ‘External Forces Are Behind Protests – SCAF ‘Leaked’ Report

RANIA AL MALKY: What SCAF did not take into consideration deploying its “Clockwork Orange” conditioning scheme, was the vigilance of new Egyptians.
The Three Key Challenges Facing Egypt’s Rulers

MOHAMED EL SAYED, CGNEWS: The huge turnout showed that Egyptians are hungry for democracy. Whoever comes to power, though, has three ‘top priority’ issues to address.
Egypt Elections: What a Difference 365 Days Makes

RANIA AL MALKY: A year on bitterness has given way to gratitude. Had the elections not been so rigged, the uprising might have never have happened.
Egypt’s Revolution Reignited on Army Inaction

RANIA AL MALKY: It’s time the army generals woke up from their slumber: Tahrir is brimming, the fear barrier has collapsed and there is no turning back.
Khaled Saeid: Lack of Redress Keeping The Spark Burning

RANIA AL MALKY: Time is running out before the first anniversary of Jan 25. This time, Egyptians won’t wait 30 years before finding their way to Tahrir.
Arab Spring: All Pain, No Gain, Just the Same?

RANIA AL MALKY: Is it logical that the ousted Mubarak, responsible for the disintegration of Egypt’s institutions is now living in a five-star hospital suite…
Libya: The Arab Spring Enters 2.0

NASEEM TARAWNAH: Thank you Tunisia for lighting a flame. Thank you Egypt for adding the fuel. And thank you Libya for keeping it alive.
Mubarak: Trial of Century Must Be Beyond Reproach

LUCY EMMERSON: As Saleh, Al-Assad and Gadaffi watch this trial, the message must be clear: no one is above the law, everyone will someday be held to account.
Egypt: Looking At It Like a ‘Crotchety, Old Man’

DAVID ROBERTS: It’s perhaps the cynicism of age but looking back at the early days of the Egyptian revolution there were quite a few of us who raised flags that all wouldn’t be ‘rosy in the garden’.
Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

PAUL NOTAR, INFORMED COMMENT: He’s always been a skilful player of ‘the Palestinian Card’ but as the region changes his hold on that particular narrative is no longer exclusive.
The Living Nightmare That is the Rafah Crossing

RAMZY BAROUD: The process of leaving Gaza through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt can only be described as a ‘human lottery’. A deeply unpleasant, humiliating lottery.
It’s Time to Debunk the Many Myths of the Egyptian Revolution

SARAH GREBOWSKI: A spontaneous, youth-led uprising that brought instant democracy via Facebook and Twitter? I’m afraid not.
Yemen, the Reality: ‘It Ain’t Over ‘Til it’s Over’
DANIEL M. VARISCO: He’s clearly been badly wounded and his confidence in those who surround him must have been rocked but it’s still possible Salih will try to stage a comeback.
Who Can Represent the Revolution in Egypt?

ZEINOBIA: Lack of leadership has been a blessing but it is also a curse because without a central vision who can speak to the SCAF on behalf of the revolution?
‘Time for Arabs to Stop Blaming America’: Commentator

CROSSROADS ARABIA: We know America is far from perfect but it seems to be the source of all evil for many Arabs. One Arab man has had enough and has spoken out.
Threats to the ‘Arab Spring’ Growing by the Day

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Where there was once optimism of fundamental change taking hold as a spirit of freedom swept the region, there is now growing pessimism.
What Kind of Leader Do Young Arabs Want?

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Whether it’s Mubarak, ben Ali or bin Laden it’s clear what sort of leadership Arabs don’t want. It’s far less clear however what they are looking for in their leaders.
Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: There was little new in Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ speech. Nervous light criticism of Bahrain, no reference to Gulf allies and a minor poke of Israel.