Mich Cafe

‘Help Now’: Syrian Refugee Crisis ‘Unprecedented In Its Scope’

‘Help Now’: Syrian Refugee Crisis ‘Unprecedented In Its Scope’

MICH CAFE: If Americans diverted the money they spent in a month on ice-cream to the UN Syrian refugee fund the target would be met.

 Editor, MEP

Inside Story: Iran Faces A Critical Moment, Decision

Millions of Iranians are going to the polls this Friday to elect a new president. This is a critical moment for Iran, which is increasingly isolated from the West, dealing with rising unemployment and several international sanctions.

VIDEO: Millions of Iranians are going to the polls this Friday to elect a new president. This is a critical moment for Iran, which is increasingly isolated from the West, dealing with rising unemployment and several international sanctions.

 Ramzy Baroud

Sunni vs Shia: This Sectarianism Is Destroying Arab Identity

Sunni vs Shia: This Sectarianism Is Destroying Arab Identity

RAMZY BAROUD: Any possibility of a Pan Arab national identity is being destroyed each day that people are being butchered in the name of a particular sect

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s ‘Football Coup’ Prompts BDS Focus on Sport

Israel’s ‘Football Coup’ Prompts BDS Focus on Sport

JONATHAN COOK: Israelis are basking in the warm glow of playing host to a major international sporting event. Is it though the beginning of a South African style campaign focused on sport?

 Juan Cole

New U.S. Terrorism Map: It’s Only 500 Years Out of Date

New U.S. Terrorism Map: It’s Only 500 Years Out of Date

CHARLES KURZMAN, INFORMED COMMENT: If the lead agency in combatting terror against the U.S designates the whole Islamic world as the source of terror what hope is there?


PalFest 2013: Beyond ‘the Crisis Narrative’ To Art & Experiment

PalFest 2013: Beyond ‘the Crisis Narrative’ To Art & Experiment

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The organisers of this year’s Palestine Lit Fest have decided to ignore, as much as possible, the physical barriers separating Palestinians

 Ramzy Baroud

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

RAMZY BAROUD: America’s current role as impotent looker-on is unprecedented in recent Middle Eastern history. This situation won’t continue indefinitely

 Alexander McNabb

Tweet Your Way Into Trouble: Social Media Dilemma

Tweet Your Way Into Trouble: Social Media Dilemma

ALEXANDER MCNABB: We have these incredibly powerful technologies which allow us to broadcast to the world as soon as a thought enters our head.

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Samson Complex: Will Anyone ‘Pick Up the Phone?’

Israel’s Samson Complex: Will Anyone ‘Pick Up the Phone?’

JONATHAN COOK: Here we go again with another re-heated so-called peace initiative. But the foundations on which it’s built are familiar and fragile

 Crossroads Arabia

Unsustainable: The Bell Tolls For Subsidies in Saudi Arabia

Unsustainable: The Bell Tolls For Subsidies in Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The Herbert Stein Law runs: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” The tautology is starting to surface in Saudi Arabia.


Thomas Friedman in Yemen: ‘An Innocent Abroad’?

Thomas Friedman in Yemen: ‘An Innocent Abroad’?

DANIEL M. VARISCO: I felt the ghost of Mark Twain speaking to me as I read about Tom Friedman’s latest adventures in Yemen.

 Steve Royston

Persuasion, Not Laws, Needed to Encourage Spoken Arabic

Persuasion, Not Laws, Needed to Encourage Spoken Arabic

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s a debate with no end, apparently. How to encourage ‘guest workers’ to become more fluent in Arabic. Is legislation necessary?

 Abu Muhammed

Academic Pacing: It Simply Doesn’t Work in the Middle East

Academic Pacing: It Simply Doesn’t Work in the Middle East

ABU MOHAMMED: It’s a system of teaching that creates more problems than it solves. It’s time to call time on ‘academic pacing’.


‘Sauce, Goose, Gander’: Political vs Family Ties in Public Debate

‘Sauce, Goose, Gander’: Political vs Family Ties in Public Debate

PHILIP WEISS, CGNEWS: Josh Landis’s marriage to a Syrian Alawite was judged fair game in a discussion on his views on the political situation. Why only him?

 Common Ground News Service

Salafyo Costa: Confronting Religious Prejudice in Egypt

Salafyo Costa: Confronting Religious Prejudice in Egypt

SOPHIE ANMUTH, MARWA NASSER, CGNEWS: Religious prejudice has real consequences as has been seen recently in Egypt. One group confronts it head on

 Steve Royston

Expat Life: Things I Would / Would Not Miss

Expat Life: Things I Would / Would Not Miss

There’s been a lot of coming and going in the Gulf region of late. In Saudi Arabia, which is making strenuous efforts to slim down its expatriate population, and Bahrain, where foreigners are reconsidering their status in light of the country’s continuing instability, the going has been more frequent than the coming.

STEVE ROYSTON: There’s been a lot of coming and going in the Gulf. In some countries going has been more frequent than coming.

 Common Ground News Service

Savvy: Young Egyptians Embrace New ‘E-Opportunities’

Savvy: Young Egyptians Embrace New ‘E-Opportunities’

MOHAMED EL SAYED, CGNEWS: The natural entrepreneurial spirit of many young Egyptians is being fashioned and directed in novel ways.


“Arabs! I Hate Arabs”: An Independence Day Encounter

“Arabs! I Hate Arabs”: An Independence Day Encounter

MONDOWEISS: A drunken racist comment at an ATM showed how the expression of hatred against Palestinians is accepted within Israeli society.

 Juan Cole

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

JUAN COLE: It’s clear that reverberations from the Boston bombings will spread to Chechnya and beyond. How will it impact the U.S view of Syria?

 Ramzy Baroud

Egypt Division = Ongoing Despair in Gaza

Egypt Division = Ongoing Despair in Gaza

RAMZY BAROUD: It seemed unthinkable a Muslim Brotherhood government could impose worse conditions on Gaza than Mubarak.