Added on 21/11/2011
James Mullan
Abdullah II , Cairo , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Islam , Jordan , Khaled Mashaal , Mahmoud Abbas , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , President , West Bank

A new dynamic is opening up in Jordanian-Palestinian relations – a recognition and acceptance of the role that the Islamic political movement Hamas plays.
Added on 17/10/2011
Jonathan Cook
Abu Dhabi , Army , Avigdor Lieberman , Benjamin Netanyahu , Israel , Israeli army , Mahmoud Abbas , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Prime Minister , Shin Bet , South Africa , Tel Aviv , The Green Line , The National , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JONATHAN COOK: Settlers have raised the stakes by attacking mosques within Arab communities that have been traditionally utterly loyal to Israel.
Added on 16/10/2011
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , Adel Al-Jubeir , Africa , Atlantic coast , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Gilad Shalit , Hamas , Hizballah , Human Rights Watch , Iran , Iraq , Islamist government , Israel , Libya , Mahmoud Abbas , Manama , Massachusetts , Mexico , Middle East , North Africa , Obama administration , Oil , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Quds Force , Salesman , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Texas , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US government , Washington , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: The people power movement has the most to lose and could find itself in the grinder as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran jockey for power.
Added on 10/10/2011
Jonathan Cook
Al Akhbar , Ali Khamenei , Avigdor Lieberman , Barack Obama , Benjamin Netanyahu , Camp David , Egypt , Ehud Olmert , European Union , George Bush , Israel , Israeli parliament , Jerusalem , Jordan , Madrid , Mahmoud Abbas , Oslo , Palestine , President , Prime Minister , Religious law , Reuters , Russia , Security Council , Spain , The Jerusalem Post , The New York Times , United Nations , United States , US administration , Washington , West Bank , White House

JONATHAN COOK: The demand has risen to the top of the Israeli agenda and if accepted will condemn Palestinians as ‘historic interlopers and trespassers’.
Added on 21/09/2011
Crossroads Arabia
General Assembly , Israel , Mahmoud Abbas , New York , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , President , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Turki al-Faisal , United Nations , United States , Washington

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Another casualty of the upcoming UN vote on Palestinian statehood is likely to be relations between the United States and its long-term ally Saudi Arabia.
Added on 19/09/2011
Juan Cole
Alan Grayson , Binyamin Netanyahu , Fateh , France , General Assembly , Germany , Israel , Israeli government , Jordan , Likud Party , Mahmoud Abbas , Netanyahu government , Netherlands , Obama , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , UN General Assembly , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , US government , West Bank

JUAN COLE: The Palestinians are heading to the U.N this week hoping to change the dynamics of the wretched situation they find themselves in.
Added on 01/08/2011
Common Ground News Service
Bashar al-Assad , Cairo , East Africa , Egypt , important tools , Islam , Jordan , Journalist , journalist and activist , Lebanon , Maan News Agency , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , North Africa , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Rasha Dewedar , Stockholm , Sweden , Syria , Tunisia , Women , Women's issues

RASHA DEWEDAR, CGNEWS: It’s an issue that faces women throughout the Arab world but progress, it appears, is being made in some countries to protect women.
Added on 16/07/2011
Ramzy Baroud , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Egypt , European Union , Fatah , Gaza , Ha , Hamas , internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor , Israel , Israeli army , Jerusalem , London , Maan News Agency , Mahmoud Abbas , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organization , , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , Palestinian Territories , Pennsylvania , Pluto Press , President , Prime Minister , the Associated Press , The Jerusalem Post , United Nations , United States , US House of Representatives , West Bank , , Yasser Abed Rabbo

RAMZY BAROUD: With a deficit standing at around $640 million, the PA government is experiencing one of its worst ever financial crises.
Added on 11/06/2011
Juan Cole
Anthony Weiner , Columbia University , Congress , Gaza , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli navy , Lebanon , Mahatma Gandhi , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New York , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , President , South Africa , South Lebanon , The New York Times , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JUAN COLE: Forget about the ‘sexting scandal’, Anthony Weiner has a lot more to answer for than some private peccadilloes. His blind allegiance to Israel means that he’s played a uniformly sinister role on Middle East matters.
Added on 07/05/2011
Jonathan Cook
Bar Ilan University , Ben Gurion University , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Egypt , Egyptian government , Facebook , Fatah , foreign ministry official , Gaza , Hamas , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Israel , Israel Radio , Israeli embassy , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Menachem Klein , Middle East , Natural gas , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Pew Research Centre , politics professor , President , Prime Minister , Reuters , Social Media , special adviser , Syria , Tehran , The Jerusalem Post , The National , The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal , United Arab Emirates , United Nations , United States , unnamed official , Washington , West Bank

JONATHAN COOK: The political sands are shifting a little too quickly in the Middle East for Israel and the United States. Will they be able to keep up?
Added on 07/05/2011
Common Ground News Service
America , Amnon Lipkin-Shahak , Barack Obama , Congress , East Africa , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Hillary Clinton , Israel , Israeli army , Jerusalem , Labour Party , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Mossad , Netanyahu , North Africa , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Rabin , Secretary of State , Shin Bet , The New York Times , UN General Assembly , United States , West Bank

MICHAEL FELSEN, CGNEWS: The Israeli Peace Initiative which was unveiled in April has an ambitious goal, namely the resolution of all claims.
Added on 05/05/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Ahmet Davutoglu , Ali Akbar Salehi , Benjamin Netanyahu , Cairo , Camp David , Congress , Damascus , Egypt , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jennifer Rubin , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Media coverage , Middle East , Nabil al-Arabi , Obama administration , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , Prime Minister , Tel Aviv , The New York Times , Turkey , United States , unnamed official , Washington , Washington Post , West Bank

RAMZY BAROUD: With Egypt reaching out to Israeli foes and the Palestinian agreement to work together Israel’s policy of division is in tatters.
Added on 04/05/2011
Common Ground News Service
Civil society , Hamas , Israel , Mahmoud Abbas , Natalia Simanovsky , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian government , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , research officer , Salam Fayyad , United Nations , United Nations General Assembly , West Bank

NATALIA SIMANOVSKY, CGNEWS: In September the United Nations will vote on whether to recognise a Palestinian state.
Added on 13/03/2011
Jonathan Cook
Abu Dhabi , Angela Merkel , Arab League , Avigdor Lieberman , Barack Obama , BBC , Benjamin Netanyahu , chancellor , Ehud Barak , Europe , France , Gaza , Germany , Haaretz , Hamas , Hizbollah , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israel Radio , Jordan , Jordan Valley , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , President , Prime Minister , Russia , Tel Aviv University , The Jerusalem Post , The National , Turkey , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Washington , West Bank , White House

JONATHAN COOK: Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him.
Added on 20/02/2011
America , Barack Obama , Cairo , Civil society , Elliott Abrams , Hillary Clinton , Human Rights Watch , Israel , Jennifer Rubin , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Obama , Obama administration , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Peace , President , Sarah Leah Whitson , Secretary of State , Security Council , Susan Rice , Tahrir Square , U.S. Congress , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Fine words in Cairo almost two years ago are forgotten when the Israeli lobby makes a call for a vote on illegal West Bank settlements…
Added on 02/02/2011
Abdullah , Abdullah II , Alexandria , Anwar Sadat , Argentina , Army , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , Bolivia , Brazil , Bush , Cairo , Camp David , Chile , Egypt , Egyptian government , France , Gamal Abdel Nasser , Gaza , Haaretz , Hillary Clinton , Hosni Mubarak , Human Rights Watch , Interior Ministry , International Atomic Energy Agency , Interpol , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jimmy Carter , Jonestown , Jordan , Joshua Landis , Latin America , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Menachem Begin , Middle East , military officer , Mohamed elBaradei , Mohammed Bouazizi , Mubarak's government , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama administration , October Bridge , Oil , oil producers , Omar Suleiman , P. J. Crowley , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , Paraguay , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Ramallah , Saddam Hussein , Saudi Arabia , Secretary of State , Sidi Bouzid , Silvan Shalom , Social Media , Suez , Suez Canal , Suzanne Mubarak , Tunisia , U.S embassy , U.S. , U.S. military , United Kingdom , United States , Uruguay , Usher , Washington , White House , Workers Party , Yemen

PHYLLIS BENNIS, MONDOWEISS: Do the principles on which the U.S. was founded apply to more than 300 million Arabs?
Added on 02/02/2011
Jonathan Cook
Abdul Hadi , Avigdor Lieberman , Birzeit University , Camp David , Egypt , Fatah , Gaza , Haifa University , Hamas , Israel , Jerusalem , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian national movement , Pennsylvania , politics professor , President , Ramallah , Security Council , Tunisia , UN General Assembly , United Nations , United States , West Bank , Yemen

JONATHAN COOK: Eighteen years of the so-called ‘peace process’ appear to have drawn to a close and the Palestinian people feel betrayed by their negotiators.
Added on 27/01/2011
Osama Al Sharif
Abbas , Al Aqsa Mosque , Amman , Avigdor Lieberman , Ehud Olmert , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , journalist and political commentator , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Olmert government , Osama Al Sharif , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Peace Process , President , Qatar , Refugees , Saeb Erekat , The Guardian , United States , Washington , West Bank , Yasser Abed Rabbo , Yasser Arafat

OSAMA AL SHARIF: The documents underline an important fact; the Palestinian leadership today has one goal in mind – to reach a deal with Israel at any price.
Added on 24/01/2011
Juan Cole
Abdel Bari Atwan , Diana Buttu , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Israel , Jerusalem , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Olmert government , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Qatar , Saeb Erekat , The Guardian , United Nations

JUAN COLE: The 1600 documents leaked to Al Jazeerah could spell the end of the PLO and drive the nail in the coffin of the so-called ‘peace process’.
Added on 08/01/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Algeria , Amman , Fatah , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Lebanon , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Oslo , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , Uruguay , West Bank , Yasser Arafat

RAMZY BAROUD: The Palestinian leadership needs to embrace partners of old, from the time before Oslo, the “peace process”, the Roadmap and all the other broken promises…