Added on 08/03/2011
Osama Al Sharif
Africa , Al Qaeda , America , Amman , Barack Obama , Benghazi , Colonel , Congress , Egypt , Europe , France , journalist and political commentator , Libya , Muammar Qaddafi , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Osama Al Sharif , Paris , President , Qaddafi , Qaddafi’s air force , Tripoli , Tunisia , United Kingdom , United States

OSAMA AL SHARIF: The Libyan revolution could easily slip into a prolonged civil war – the worst outcome for all. Lawlessness, Humanitarian crisis…
Added on 27/01/2011
Osama Al Sharif
Abbas , Al Aqsa Mosque , Amman , Avigdor Lieberman , Ehud Olmert , Gaza Strip , Hamas , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , journalist and political commentator , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Olmert government , Osama Al Sharif , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Peace Process , President , Qatar , Refugees , Saeb Erekat , The Guardian , United States , Washington , West Bank , Yasser Abed Rabbo , Yasser Arafat

OSAMA AL SHARIF: The documents underline an important fact; the Palestinian leadership today has one goal in mind – to reach a deal with Israel at any price.
Added on 12/01/2011
Osama Al Sharif
Addis Ababa , Africa , Algeria , Amman , Colonel , Darfur , Egypt , Iraq , Israel , journalist and political commentator , Khartoum , Middle East , Morocco , Oil , Osama Al Sharif , President , Southern Sudan , Sudan , United Kingdom , United States , Yemen

OSAMA AL SHARIF: The modern history of Sudan is dominated by immature political and religious agendas that ignored the country’s racial, religious and economic complexities.