Added on 14/05/2012
Syria News Wire
Amal Hanano , Bashar al-Assad , Josh Landis , Journalism , Nir Rosen , Robin Yassin-Kassab , Syria

NEWS FROM SYRIA: It begins with the infamous Bashar interview and continues grimly as death and mayhem envelop the country
Added on 31/03/2011
Syria News Wire
Bashar al-Assad , Ben Ali , Colonel , Damascus , David Lesch , Democracy , Hafez Al Assad , Iraq , Israel , Josh Landis , Libya , Muammar el-Qaddafi , Mubarak , Obama administration , Patrick Seale , President , Security services , Syria

NEWS FROM SYRIA: Expectation was high in advance of the speech delivered by President Assad yesterday. By the time he had finished speaking I was left with a sense of confusion, anger, depression but most of all disappointment.
Added on 22/03/2011
Syria News Wire
Assad , Damascus , Egypt , Governor , Josh Landis , Middle East , Syria , The Guardian , Twitter

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: Much heat and little light has been generated by the protests in Syria but authorities shouldn’t be panicked by the reasonable demands.