Added on 02/08/2012
Common Ground News Service
Barcelona , Civil society , Economics , Finance , Hungary , International Association , Latin America , People's Party , Portugal , Qatar , Spain , United Nations
MARIA PAZ-LOPEZ, CGNEWS: Following the crisis of confidence in the global financial system there has been much discussion of alternative models
Added on 30/11/2010
Shibli Zaman
Adventure , Balkans , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bucharest , Europe , History , Hungary , Islam , Middle East , Romania , Serbia
SHIBLI ZAMAN: This Ottoman general had a greater war, a war against darkness. He hunted the very progenitor of the vampire legend who impaled his enemies and drank their blood – Vlad al III-lea Tepes, also known as Vlad Draculea, who would go down in infamy as, simply, Dracula.