Added on 14/05/2011
mai abdul rahman
Clinton , Egypt , Food and Drink , Gaza , Hamas , humanitarian law , International Committee of the Red Cross , Israel , Mubarak , Mubarak government , Nabil al-Arabi , Palestine , United States , Usher , Washington , Washington Times

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: Allowing the Rafah will undoubtedly end the absolute and confounding isolation of the Gazans and the need of smuggling through the tunnels.
Added on 01/05/2011
Fateh , Gaza , Hamas , humanitarian law , Israel , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , qualifier , River Jordan , Sinai , United States , West Bank

TIM HAUGHTON, MONDOWEISS: The ‘doublespeak’ of Israeli negotiations has been based for many years on three simple words.
Added on 23/03/2011
Afghanistan , Africa , Al Qaeda , Amr Moussa , Arab League , Bahrain , Central Asia , Europe , Food and Drink , Gaza , humanitarian law , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Libya , Libyan government , Middle East , Obama administration , Oil , Pakistan , Persian Gulf , Tripoli , United States , Washington , Yemen

ISSA KHALAF, MONDOWEISS: The price of military intervention always comes at a higher price than initially anticipated. Can the United States afford to intervene in Libya?