Added on 23/05/2011
American Bedu
Al Watan , Google+ , Pennsylvania , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Gazette , Search Engine , United States , Women , Women's issues

AMERICAN BEDU: When Google decided to celebrate dancer Martha Graham’s birthday with an animation little did it understand the furore it would cause in Saudi…
Added on 22/05/2011
Alexander McNabb
California , Culture Secretary , Facebook , Google+ , Governor , International Monetary Fund , Twitter , UK government , United Kingdom

ALEXANDER MCNABB: Twitter, Google et al argue they are a medium. Suing them for the content on their networks would be like suing a telco for something someone said…
Added on 16/05/2011
Alexander McNabb
Beirut , Facebook , Google+ , Gulf News , Online media , Privacy , Social Media , Twitter

ALEXANDER MCNABB: It would do as well to be aware that you’re now essentially a public figure. And you’re leaving footprints behind all the time…
Added on 12/05/2011
Alexander McNabb
Android , Egypt , Facebook , Google+ , Gulf News , Hillary Clinton , Jordan , Morocco , Saudi Arabia , Sky News , Social Media , Twitter , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , White House

ALEXANDER MCNABB: Presumably GN felt it couldn’t use the word ‘Jewish’, but I do feel misled… Context and analysis? I’d rather trust Twitter…
Added on 21/04/2011
Al Ahram Weekly , Alexandria , Arabian Gulf , AUC Press , Bahaa Taher , Bahrain , Beirut , Cairo , Catherine Cobham , Christina Phillips , Columbia University , Denys Johnson-Davies , Editor-in-Chief , Edward Said , Egypt , Elias Khoury , Emile Habibi , Gamal al-Ghitani , Ghassan Kanafani , Google+ , Haifa , Hanan al-Shaykh , Hassan Nasrallah , Humphrey Davies , Ibrahim Abdel Meguid , Ibrahim al-Koni , Ibrahim Aslan , Ibrahim Jabra , Indiana University , Iraq , Islah party , Italy , Khairy Shalaby , Kuwait , Literature , Minister of Information , Morocco , Mourid Barghouti , Naguib Mahfouz , Novelist , Paris , Peter Theroux , Qatar , Radwa Ashour , Rashad Abu Shawar , Salwa Bakr , Samia Mehrez , Shakir Mustafa , Syracuse University , Syria , Tawfiq al-Hakim , United Kingdom , William Hutchins , Yemen Times , Yusuf Idris

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The Arab Writers Union has listed the Top 100 Arabic novels. Puzzling, annoying, lists such as this are nevertheless fun.
Added on 03/04/2011
Steve Royston , Bahrain , blog site , Blogging , Egypt , Facebook , Fidel Castro , Google+ , Hosni Mubarak , Middle East , Search Engine , search engines , search results , Social Media , Tahrir Square , The Huffington Post , Twitter

STEVE ROYSTON: You could say that I’ve now entered my next career. Not a hobby – because I do earn money – but an activity entirely under my control, and in which money is not the prime motivation.
Added on 22/03/2011
California , Google+ , Internet connection , Los Angeles , Marriage , Social networking , University of California

MUNIRA LEKOVIC EZZELDINE, SUHAIBWEBB: With Muslims turning to online dating sites what are the pros and cons of establishing a relationship via the Web.
Added on 20/03/2011
James M. Dorsey
I suggest you check on Google or otherwise who won the 2003-4 Israel Cup
Added on 19/03/2011
Steve Royston
Bahrain , Barack Obama , Bill Gates , Colonel , Conventional media , Egypt , Google+ , Hamlet , History , Islamabad , Japan , Middle East , Mubarak , New York , Photography , Stalin , United States , YouTube

STEVE ROYSTON: If it is possible to build a Wikipedia in ten years, is it not also possible to build a disciplined, structured resource that delivers images – both moving and static – in a similar manner?
Added on 07/03/2011
Steve Royston
Ali Shah , Egypt , Employment , Google+ , Kerala , Labour , Libya , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , South Asia , Starbucks , Unemployment

STEVE ROYSTON: Low-paid migrant workers keep their host countries running by doing the jobs that the locals refuse to do. Their presence is resented by many.
Added on 11/02/2011
Alexander McNabb
Dubai , Egypt , Facebook , Google+ , Wael Ghonim

ALEXANDER MCNABB: The best outcome for the corporate people at Google would probably be a quiet resignation and a few public words thanking Google and exonerating it of involvement.
Added on 08/02/2011
Sultan Al Qassemi
Alexandria , Cairo , Egypt , Facebook , Google+ , President , Tunisia , Wael Ghonim

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: If the Egypt uprising of 2011 can be summed up in a single word, it is zolm, defined as “oppression, tyranny, inequity, unfairness, injustice, abuse”.
Added on 04/01/2011
Carrington Malin
Adobe , Android , Blogging , Broadband , East Africa , Egypt , Facebook , Food and Drink , Google+ , Internet users , iPhone , Iran , Middle East , North Africa , Online media , PayPal , Print media , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Social networking , Technology , United Arab Emirates

CARRINGTON MALIN: Some of our predictions may seem a little obvious and some may seem a little extreme, but all should provide food for thought.
Added on 04/01/2011
Alexander McNabb
Android , Broadband , Etisalat , Google+ , Happy New Year , mobile Internet , New Year's Day , Nokia , Operating system

ALEXANDER MCNABB: My plan? What plan? It was called ‘Mubashir’ because nobody knew what 3G was (“I don’t understand what 3G is!” “No problem, take this! It’s called Mubashir!” “What is it?” “3G”).
Added on 18/12/2010
David Roberts
Abu Dhabi , Arabian Gulf , Dubai , Google+ , Gulf , Iran , Kuwait , Persian Gulf

DAVID ROBERTS: I looked first, sorry my angry Iranian friends, for Persian Gulf and Arabian Gulf. Though you easily irascible fellows ought to be pleased…
Added on 05/12/2010
Steve Royston
Bahrain , Bill Gates , Facebook , Google+ , Microsoft , Middle East , Steven Jobs

STEVE ROYSTON: The parents of many in the GCC instill in their sons and daughters (particularly sons) the idea that the only respectable career is management.
Added on 05/12/2010
Alexander McNabb
Censorship , Europe , Facebook , Google+ , LinkedIn , Microsoft , Ministry of Information , Skype , TechCrunch , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom

ALEXANDER MCNABB – Technology has allowed us to speak to each other in ways unimaginable five years ago. The telco operators in the Middle East, however, don’t appear to have caught on yet.
Added on 07/10/2010
Alexander McNabb
Facebook , Finance , Google+ , Microsoft , Microsoft Windows , Operating system , Social Media

Telcos are staring looming disintermediation in the face and don’t have the faintest clue what to do about it.
Added on 28/09/2010
David Westley
Al Ittihad , Arabic newspaper , du , Etisalat , Google+ , Telecommunications Regulatory Authority , UAE , United Arab Emirates , VOIP

According to UAE based Arabic newspaper Al Ittihad, UAE’s telecom service providers Etisalat and du will launch Voice Over Internet Protocol services by the end of 2010.
Added on 27/09/2010
Alexander McNabb
Google+ , Internet , Middle East , Skype , Social Media , United Arab Emirates , United States , VOIP , Yahoo!

There has been a great deal of concern and speculation this week regarding a possible move against Google by the UAE’s telecom regulator, the TRA. Much of this concern has been triggered by appalling journalism…