Added on 21/02/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Abu Dhabi , Alternative Energy , AlTouq Group , Arabian Gulf , Asher Noor , automobile manufacturing , Dubai , Dubai government , Energy needs , Guggenheim , Masdar City , Middle East , Oil , oil reserves , oil revenue , Riyadh , The Palm Jumeirah , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United States , Warren Buffett , Zayed National Museum

ROB L. WAGNER: Don’t be fooled by the ‘smooth noises’ each emirate makes about the other when the word ‘competition’ is raised.
Added on 29/06/2011
Alexander McNabb
Bloomberg , Daily Telegraph , Dubai , Dubai government , Enoc , ENOC Group , Gulf News , PR , Sharjah government , United Kingdom

ALEXANDER MCNABB: “Deliciously, Deena twists the knife: “Pressed for answers, he made casual comments on the weather to change the subject…”