Added on 28/11/2011
Ismail Salami
Aleppo , Arab League , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani , Iran , Israel , Latakia , Libya , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tartous , United States , Washington

ISMSAIL SALAMI: It’s time we made a choice. Either remain ignorant, or we need to open our eyes to the reality of things as they actually are.
Added on 27/11/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Ahmet Davutoglu , Aleppo , Ankara , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Foreign Policy , France , Free Syrian Army , Iran , Israel , Istanbul , Lebanon , Libya , Mediterranean , Muslim Brotherhood , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , President , Prime Minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Syria , Syrian government , Syrian National Council , The Financial Times , the Palestine Chronicle , Turkey

RAMZY AL BAROUD: However, the Syrian uprising in March leading the country down the road to civil war – has forced Turkey to abandon its ‘zero-problems’ foreign policy.
Added on 20/11/2011
James Mullan
Arab League , Assad , Damascus , Middle East , President , Republicans , Sky News , Sunday Times , Syria , United Kingdom

President Assad has ended his purdah with the international media and conducted an interview with a UK newspaper. Let’s see what he had to say.
Added on 17/11/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Al Qaeda , Aleppo , Arab League , Army , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , China , Damascus , Egypt , Energy , Europe , Hama , Hilary Clinton , Homs , Idlib , Libya , Libyan army , Media outlets , New York Times , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , President , Russia , Secretary of State , Security Council , Sergei Lavrov , Syria , Syrian government , Syrian military , Syrian National Council , The Times , The Washington Post , Tunisia , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States

RAMZY BAROUD: The lines are thus drawn, between US-led Western camp and Russia and its own camp, which vehemently rejects a repeat of a Libyan scenario.
Added on 16/11/2011
James Mullan
Abdullah , Arab League , Assad , Damascus , Jordan , Morocco , President , Qatar , Rabat , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Turki al-Faisal , United States

It’s crunch time for Syria at the Arab League and they’ve decided not to turn up to the Moroccan get-together. Hardly a major surprise.
Added on 08/11/2011
Juan Cole
Aleppo , Arab Spring , Ba'athist , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Beirut , Bush Administration , Cairo , Christian Palestinian , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , Orthodox Catholic Church , Palestinian Territories , President , Republican Party , Rick Santorum , Syria , The Daily Star , Turkey , United States , Washington

JUAN COLE: In their quest to find an ABM (‘Anyone But Mitt’), the American Right have hit upon Gingrich. Let’s hear what he has to say about the MidEast.
Added on 28/10/2011
Abu Dhabi , Al Hamra , Al-Hijrah , Amman , Beirut , Blue Mosque , Christmas , Cyprus , Damascus , Dubai , Dubai Mall , Easter , Eid , Eid Al- Fitr , Eid Al-Adha , Food and Drink , India , Islamic New Year , Istanbul , Kerala , Muscat , New Year's Day , Oman , Photos , Sofia , Sri Lanka , Tunis , UAE's National Day , Umbria , United Arab Emirates

THE HEDONISTA: Eid al Adha has been my favourite – the last few years it has fallen far enough out of summer it occurs with the change of season.
Added on 25/10/2011
James Mullan
Damascus , Robert Ford , Starbucks , Syria , United States , US State Department , Washington DC

NEWS ANALYSIS: The US Ambassador to Syria has made quite a name for himself during his stint in Damascus. But he’s also ruffled many governmental feathers.
Added on 25/10/2011
Rania Al Malky
Al Adha , Al Rai , Al-Wafd party , Arabian Peninsula , Army , Bashar al-Assad , BBC , CNN , Damascus , Egypt , Eid Al-Adha , Iraq , Journalist , Libya , Media freedom , Mubarak , National Transitional Council , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , political exclusion law , Saddam Hussein , Syria , Tunisia , United States , Yemen

RANIA AL MALKY: Is it logical that the ousted Mubarak, responsible for the disintegration of Egypt’s institutions is now living in a five-star hospital suite…
Added on 20/10/2011
Syria News Wire
Damascus , Deir Mar Musa , Internet connection , London , Ministry of Tourism , Syria , Umayyed Mosque , United Kingdom

NEWS FROM SYRIA: It’s been a depressing time in Syria recently, but a newly released movie set in Damascus certainly lifted my gloom, if only for a few hours.
Added on 05/10/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Bush Administration , Damascus , David Wurmser , Department of State , George W. Bush , Golan Heights , Hama , Iraq , Israel , Lebanon , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , President , Richard Perle , Robert Ford , Satellite TV , Security Council , Syria , The Washington Post , U.S. Congress , United Nations , United States , US government , Washington

RAMZY BAROUD: The American ambassador to Syria has established an ‘up and at ’em’ reputation. But what is the bigger picture for the United States in Syria at the moment?
Added on 30/08/2011
Artist , Cartoonist , Censorship , Damascus , Literature , Naji al-’Ali , Samar Yazbek , Syria

M. LYNX QUALEY: Whether it’s novelists, songwriters or cartoonists artists of all shades and description are subject to vicious and sustained attack
Added on 30/08/2011
The Ajnabi
Assad , Damascus , Eid Al- Fitr , Protests , Ramadan , Syria , tremors

THE AJNABI: With the sustained and brutal crackdown on opposition protests continuing, Syrian activists have had to adopt new tactics.
Added on 16/08/2011
Assad , Damascus , Formula 1 , Ramadan

CUPOFCARDAMOM: Buses are a common, unremarkable sight in virtually every city in the world but in Damascus recently they’ve become a signal of fear and impending violence.
Added on 15/08/2011
Juan Cole
Baath government , Baghdad , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Hillary Clinton , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi government , Middle East , Mosul , Nouri al-Maliki , Patrick Seale , Prime Minister , Secretary of State , Shiite government , Syria , Syrian government , The New York Times , United States , Washington

JUAN COLE: It looks as if Tehran has leaned on Nouri al-Maliki to keep shtum about the ongoing protests in Syria. Washington won’t be happy.
Added on 09/08/2011
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , Ahmet Davutoglu , Arab League , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , Christoph Wilcke , Crown Prince , Damascus , East Africa , Facebook , Gulf Cooperation Council , Human Rights Watch , Iran , James M. Dorsey , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , Middle East , Morocco , Nanyang Technological University , Nanyang Technological University's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies , North Africa , President , Prime Minister , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Syria , The Wall Street Journal , Turkey , Turkish military , UN Security Council

JAMES M. DORSEY: Irrespective of his motives, King Abdullah has made a major contribution to the ending of the bloodletting in Syria.
Added on 05/08/2011
The Ajnabi
Assad , BBC , Damascus , Protests , Ramadan , Syria , Tahrir Square , Twitter

THE AJNABI: It’s a cry that’s familiar from viewing images of Tahrir Square, Yemen and Hama but it’s the first time I’ve heard it in a wealthy, Damascus suburb.
Added on 05/08/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Army , Benjamin Netanyahu , CNN , Damascus , David Wurmser , France , Golan Heights , Hafez Al Assad , Hama , Hizballah , Iraq , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli government , Lebanon , Libya , President , Richard Perle , Sudan , Syria , Syrian army , Syrian Golan Heights , United States

RAMZY BAROUD: There is no simple linear reading of the events that have overwhelmed Syria in recent months. The country is deeply embroiled in so many vital, strategic regional issues.
Added on 30/07/2011
The Ajnabi
Assad , Damascus , Protests , Ramadan , Syria

THE AJNABI: When I say encouraged, I mean it in the mukhabarat’s sense of the word. School children and government employees were bussed in…
Added on 25/07/2011
The Ajnabi
Damascus , east coast , Europe , Harley Davidson , North America , Syria , United States

THE AJNABI: Dress codes are relaxed, rents are up and ‘the livin’ is easy’. It’s Summer-time in Damascus and despite the ongoing unrest expats are back.