Added on 12/01/2014
African cuisine , Agriculture , Biology , Breastfeeding , Camel , Camel milk , Camels , diseases , Food and Drink , Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals , Human breast milk , Livestock , Milk , Pasteurization

LAYLA: Its healing properties have been known by residents of the Middle East for generations. But there is increasing scientific evidence of its power
Added on 10/11/2013
Mich Cafe
Biology , Contact immunity , Flaccid paralysis , Health , Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals , immunization , Measles , Medicine , Polio , polio cases , Polio vaccine , Poliomyelitis , Poliomyelitis eradication , Poliovirus , Syria , Vaccination , Vaccine , World Health Organization

MICH CAFE: Prior to the civil war its prevalence in Syria was very low indeed but the conflict has seen a spike in polio in the country